View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Highlights clip for critique
  2. Setting up a sony pd170
  3. First 2 wedding clips!
  4. Wedding Ceremony camera positioning
  5. Wedding Video How Long Should it Be ?
  6. Slow Motion?
  7. Help me with survey questions!
  8. Girls 21st Birthday video highlight clip.. comments/thoughts?
  9. Newbie needs feedback..sample clips
  10. DVD sets
  11. Exposer at Sunset
  12. A couple of clips
  13. Up coming Wedding
  14. Football guys, catch or no catch?
  15. PAnasonic MD10000
  16. Sanctuary.....Sanctuary
  17. Newbie canon xl-2 custom setting question
  18. Compression for Web Videos
  19. Workshops in the Houston area
  20. XL2 for Weddings?
  21. Sweet Sixteen
  22. Always up for some criticism...
  23. Shooting a Birthday presentation\Slidshow.
  24. Maybe I'm new... Advice?
  25. Comments Please
  26. WEVA. How do you become a member? Is it worth it?
  27. Easter Eggs....
  28. Suggestions Invited.
  29. Same Day Edit from this weekend
  30. Love Story of an indian couple!
  31. Do you use an on-camera light at receptions?
  32. Please Critique
  33. Various excerpts from a recent edit
  34. Commemorative video for friend, what would you do
  35. New Wedding/Event Training Material
  36. AHHHH... gotta love site leechers... bit of a giggle..
  37. Using one XL2 or XL2 & two older video cameras
  38. Charming Bridesmaid....
  39. What would you do if you felt you were working too hard?
  40. I don't know why you guys do it...
  41. Using Olympus digital voice recorder as lav mic.
  42. Designer Wedding Challenge Competition Rewards Top Selections Monetarily
  43. Newbie HC3 Wedding Video ?
  44. Editing time estimate question.
  45. your intro
  46. Magic Bullet rendering times
  47. Wireless video production?
  48. Any Real-Estate Videographers? (OT?)
  49. Wireless Lav Mic Help...for a wedding on Saturday! :)
  50. website