- Slicing fingers on a drone ...
- Offsite Backups
- USB delivery, another problem.
- Canon XA20 or HF G30 settings for weddings
- Premiere Pro CC 2014 for Blu-Ray media export to Encoder - missing audio
- shooting dance recitals with a 4k camera
- How Do You Use Your Steadicam/Gimbal?
- Wedding DVD's not picked up - Wait Time?
- Teradek VidiU for streaming weddings
- Business Advice
- Dance Recital - Rolling vs. Cross-dissolve credits
- Expect the unexpected
- Trash the bride
- Longest time spend on a wedding day
- Filming duration
- Lav mics for recorders
- Lily, your personal unmanned drone
- Wedding Nightmares. Literally!
- Batch Rename Clips
- Getty?
- Guard SD cards with your life!
- My Venue Speeches Recorder Solution - Non Wireless
- High End Wedding Websites
- G3 for weddings?
- Fireworks
- events /weddings : new media to distribute USB sticks: is the future?
- Sound correction - FCPX. What do you use?
- LED lighting causing banding on A7s at new venues.
- Corrupted GoPro File
- How Do You Choose to Shoot/Edit Reception Dancing?
- Getting Back into the game...need advice
- Daylight to tungsten gel
- Why do some of you use DSLRs?
- Audio Test - Opinions Please
- Weddingwire w/no picture
- Monopod Foot
- large tripod bag w/wheels
- What days are most popular for brides shopping online
- now that NAB is done. (new camara)
- A dilemma - what would you do
- Film or Video
- Closed Captioning?
- Little mics that plug straight into jack (No wire)
- Delivery via Jump / Flash Drive Problems
- Waterproof BD-R?
- seminar to be switched and live streamed
- Lav holder for thighs
- Those fraying lavalier mic wires...
- Steadicam on a segue!
- x900 and a Glidecam hd1000