- Medium format Questions
- 35mm adapter parts list
- 16:9 with 35mm adapter lens
- Anyone shooting with super wide angle nikkors on the mini?
- mini 35mm question how to get the perpedicular shot thru the 35mm?
- Frosted CD - which way does it go?
- Question for Richard Mellor
- GG Alternative
- Question for Bob Hart
- Best GG Diffuser?
- newbie needs help
- Making lenses for non-lens DV camera
- 1st Screening with Sony 4k digital projector
- DIY Reflector/Compound camera lens?
- A cooky idea
- diy telecine
- StaticAdapter - Flipping the Image
- Programming the HD1/10/PD1 Firmware to improve the camera, and Sony uncomp HD output.
- Ground Glass Grain
- XL1s Audio - output headphones
- question about mini35
- GG movement
- could this be an alternative to mini35?
- New moving ground glass mechanism
- Latest Update on static and spinning mini35?
- Are all 35mm lenses convertable to PL?
- Issue with Homemade 35mm Adapter thread
- XL2 Mini35
- anybody seen or tried this motor?
- Latest from my Mini35
- Decked out Mini35/DVX Pics?
- Cameras with uncompressed/raw frame output
- ok guys - 1000fps 4:4:4 10bit single CMOS near HD
- an easier solution?
- hi need help
- What to do for deeper DOF?
- cleaning ground glass
- some footage shot with variety of Nikon lenses...
- distance between gg and lens?
- Alternatives to SI and Sumix
- Arg! Finally some XL2/mini35 frame grabs
- can't find maxell frosted cd...any help?
- mini35 refernce for homemade35
- How do I choose a lens...
- A new crazy idea...
- 16mm lenses on a mini35?
- Need explaination about DOF
- Fluid light technique
- mini35 in -20 degree weather