- Achromats- What are the best performing for 35mm Adapters
- Redrock DIY Adapter Replacement GG
- LETUS35A motor
- Is anyone using the HC1 w/ Letus FE
- New Go35 Pro footage
- just got my letushd110 today .
- DOF adapter / HVX200 problems
- Go35Pro(motion) - DVX-100a Interior Test -- Full Res Footage
- trying to remember a site i saw the other day "repackaged nikon and fd lenses?"
- Brevis workings?
- Thorlabs Achromats doublets
- anyone using redrock ff etc..
- Stabilizing and focusing with an adapter
- Pre-order CINEDOF™ static or vibrating screen holder, for 2" Thorlabs too!
- Galaxy454's Garden of Eatin'
- static & vibrating gg-holder for 2" thorlabs tube
- GG...should the ground side face the lens or the camera?
- Static DOF adaptor SD footage evaluation!
- Little question
- LetusXL Edge of GG slightly visible at bottom of frame.
- erecting prism for viewfinder
- vibrating wax-gg - footage - DS-35 PRO
- can backfocus on a lens affect GG artifacts?
- Large Format DOF adapter + PD170
- Anyone looking for a short documentary shot with a 40 dollar DIY 35mm adapter
- Z1/FX1 experiences with Letus/Letus Flip
- 6.6x and 10x Achromats for $99, 50mm diameter
- DIY - Indexed Remote Focus Controller
- problem with letus motor/ batteries
- Non Nikkor lenses
- could my lens made for digital SLR give me grain?
- Patents
- Soccer with the Letus
- zoom into a wide?
- Selling Letus35XL rev1 - Check Demo Footage
- Letus demo video with other toys
- PD150/170 LCD Flip?
- Film of "grain" with HC1
- Plastic GG?
- Canon prime Lens suggestion for LetusXL
- quick question
- cheap onboard monitor
- Super16 Primes
- 35mm lens opinions needed (EF or ?)
- wich was the software to see what coems from firewire?
- Interest in open-source capture software for Sumix M73
- Letus flip footage, film of grain
- glidecam and 35mm adapter
- Letus Mini35 Comparison
- Letus mods.