View Full Version : Area 51

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  1. consumer hd where is it going
  2. XL-2 gone by spring 2006?
  3. Video iPod Today?
  4. Congratulations Dylan on your future career
  5. IPod will have video soon
  6. Panasonic GS400 successor - any hearsay?
  7. Nikon? HDV Academy 24p MovieCam under $10k Q4 2006
  8. The New DM-XM3!!!
  9. The videographers sense for beer
  10. Have you ever received a strange e-mail... from yourself?
  11. Big Foot lives!
  12. Successor to GL2 soon?
  13. Where are the dual dual-core Power Macs??
  14. What is a professional videographer?
  15. How long can the giant (Sony) sleep?
  16. Where's my camera and why wasn't I working this wedding...
  17. The 5 Question Get-to-know Thread
  18. 6.8 ghz CPU + 2TB diskless Drive
  19. Canon 9/25/05 disappointment
  20. Free work is Dumb work.
  21. The Car Ahead is Electric
  22. New Powerbooks in September?
  23. Dell down 7%, NASDAQ down 18%, Apple up 5%...
  24. See your world in High Definition
  25. August 22 new Canon news
  26. When is the GL3 HDV going to be announced? :-)
  27. Is there a new version of Premiere on the way?
  28. adobe-updated software
  29. Will Z1/FX1 be upgraded to compete with HVX?
  30. Levitation & trick photography
  31. Realism or pessimism? (wake me up!)
  32. More Speculation on Apple's New Movie/Video Store
  33. Gl3, Or Not?????
  34. What's Up Canon
  35. Canon & DV Expo East
  36. just us DVI-RS....keeping the spirit ALIVE!....huh?(;-)<
  37. New Samyang 1080p HD camera
  38. Are G5 sales taking a beating?
  39. Recycled camcorder
  40. First picture of Canon HD GL3?
  41. Can someone IDENTIFY this camera?
  42. Next XL2 Price Drop?
  43. new 10 footcandle camera, Sony's 6th HDV model
  44. what would you use?
  45. Apple considering switch to Intel chips according to WSJ
  46. Sony's new prosumer 1080p24 camera, 1080p era arrived
  47. New Canon 1080p24 XL3 camcorder
  48. More on Apple's New Movie/Video Store
  49. MPEG-4 Part 10 HDVPRO/HDVPRO 70 HVR-P10 1080P60
  50. Chris' geek code