- consumer hd where is it going
- XL-2 gone by spring 2006?
- Video iPod Today?
- Congratulations Dylan on your future career
- IPod will have video soon
- Panasonic GS400 successor - any hearsay?
- Nikon? HDV Academy 24p MovieCam under $10k Q4 2006
- The New DM-XM3!!!
- The videographers sense for beer
- Have you ever received a strange e-mail... from yourself?
- Big Foot lives!
- Successor to GL2 soon?
- Where are the dual dual-core Power Macs??
- What is a professional videographer?
- How long can the giant (Sony) sleep?
- Where's my camera and why wasn't I working this wedding...
- The 5 Question Get-to-know Thread
- 6.8 ghz CPU + 2TB diskless Drive
- Canon 9/25/05 disappointment
- Free work is Dumb work.
- The Car Ahead is Electric
- New Powerbooks in September?
- Dell down 7%, NASDAQ down 18%, Apple up 5%...
- See your world in High Definition
- August 22 new Canon news
- When is the GL3 HDV going to be announced? :-)
- Is there a new version of Premiere on the way?
- adobe-updated software
- Will Z1/FX1 be upgraded to compete with HVX?
- Levitation & trick photography
- Realism or pessimism? (wake me up!)
- More Speculation on Apple's New Movie/Video Store
- Gl3, Or Not?????
- What's Up Canon
- Canon & DV Expo East
- Relax....is just us DVI-RS....keeping the spirit ALIVE!....huh?(;-)<
- New Samyang 1080p HD camera
- Are G5 sales taking a beating?
- Recycled camcorder
- First picture of Canon HD GL3?
- Can someone IDENTIFY this camera?
- Next XL2 Price Drop?
- new 10 footcandle camera, Sony's 6th HDV model
- what would you use?
- Apple considering switch to Intel chips according to WSJ
- Sony's new prosumer 1080p24 camera, 1080p era arrived
- New Canon 1080p24 XL3 camcorder
- More on Apple's New Movie/Video Store
- MPEG-4 Part 10 HDVPRO/HDVPRO 70 HVR-P10 1080P60
- Chris' geek code