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  1. Video wont play in Encore
  2. Converting 60 fps to 30 and back
  3. Time remaining not displayed for MP4 export
  4. Playlists in Encore CS6 does not work anymore
  5. Multiple timelines in encore - increased size!!!
  6. CC Pirated one day after release.
  7. Audio Problem in Premiere CS5
  8. 7/11, not 9/11
  9. Update to Premiere Pro CC now available
  10. Time code burn in disappears in my timeline
  11. Getting Started with After Effects - FREE Tutorial Series
  12. Using the same audio track settings in multiple sequences?
  13. Crash on MPEG Export
  14. Join clips in Premiere Pro CS6
  15. After Effects Help!
  16. Disappearing bins
  17. How to selectively select clips on the Premiere Pro timelime
  18. Premiere Pro CS6 Preview/Rendering Issue
  19. Premiere Pro Issue with Screen Captured Footage
  20. Proxy Video Editing (Bait-n-Switch) Method with Adobe Premiere
  21. What do I need to add? An Adobe Maximus Configuration?
  22. HDV capture with XLR audio
  23. Alternatives to Adobe CC
  24. DVD to hard drive on PC
  25. levels shifting?
  26. First impressions of PPro CC
  27. Please Help Me with Premiere Pro Scratch Disks
  28. Render with Premiere Pro vs. Adobe Media Encoder
  29. No Encore CC
  30. Premiere Pro CC not retaining settings from CS6
  31. PP cs6 master buss audio effects?
  32. Adobe Premiere CC launch imminent.
  33. .jpg and .tif photos rejected by PP6
  34. Adobe Media Encoder - MP4's with out of sync audio in Windows Media Player
  35. time code: how to set a specific one?
  36. Lightroom 5 is on the street
  37. nested sequence audio waveform not showing
  38. Photoshop Printing Issue!
  39. converting a 4X3 DV file to 16X9 anamorphic DV file
  40. Wavy Video Top and Bottom
  41. Audio issue in PrePro 6
  42. Better Project Managing in Premiere CS6
  43. Adobe Premiere Workflow Query
  44. curing a whistler
  45. DVD Interactive Slide Show in CS5
  46. What export settings will keep text crisp?
  47. Q: PPro, best method to organize media files for sharing/archive?
  48. Blue screen of death on AE6 render
  49. Cross Dissolve suddenly stopped working - please help!!!
  50. Will NTSC Play in UK?