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  1. XP Pro' s"Learned Behavior" and NLEs
  2. Maximize Adobe PremierePro Monitor to 2nd Monitor
  3. Walk me through 16:9 on Premiere for 4:3 TV showing
  4. Premiere Pro to Premiere Pro 1.5 issues
  5. 1:04:40 time limit encoding
  6. (PPro) How to change Field Options (deinterlace) globally?
  7. DV timecode help!
  8. Premiere Pro Hyperthreading Benchmark
  9. Looking for a convincing "Page Peel" transition
  10. DV Rack - very nice if it works as advertized
  11. MainConcept MPEG HD plugin for Premiere Pro
  12. getting errors in Premiere "Delayed Write Failure" please help
  13. Welcome to the World Premiere, with your host Ed Smith
  14. 24p in premiere
  15. Premeire Pro Rendering Pushes CPU's over 92 degrees C.
  16. Premiere 6.0 avi movie export unsync'd
  17. Is my PC strong enough for Premiere Pro?
  18. Premiere pro books?
  19. Premiere Motion Filter Not Smooth on Stills
  20. Comp specs good enough to use Premiere or other kind of heavy/pro editing programs?
  21. Windows media is not working due to Premiere 6.5
  22. Premiere Pro "Sorry, a serious error ... requires shut down"
  23. Premiere Pro over Studio8?
  24. 3 minute .mov limit
  25. Adobe and a book?
  26. Need Help With Premiere Pro Computer
  27. DVD quality codec for exporting from Premiere 6
  28. Exporting Premiere Pro project to After Effects 6?
  29. Premiere and After Effects
  30. Opinions on Premiere Pro?
  31. Confused about 24p, Premiere Pro, and DVD
  32. UltraKey from Serious Magic Chroma Key software just released
  33. Going from Premiere to AE and back...
  34. Stumped on exporting filmstrips from Premiere and reimporting them...
  35. Does Adobe Premiere Pro work with 24P?
  36. Adobe Premiere Combine clips?
  37. Great news from Adobe!!
  38. Adobe Premiere Pro 7.0 Released - Decisions, Decisions!
  39. From Premiere to Tape or DVD!?
  40. Normalizing audio in Premiere
  41. Does anybody LOVE Premiere 6.5?
  42. New Premiere 6.5 tutorials
  43. Canon GL2 and Premiere Pro
  44. Adobe Premiere & Premiere Pro discussions from 2005
  45. Adobe Premiere discussions from 2003
  46. Premiere or After Effects first?
  47. XL1s Jaggy Artifact Problem...
  48. Adobe Premiere & Premiere Pro discussions from 2004
  49. Adobe Premiere discussions from 2002
  50. ViaoXG-28 laptop and Premiere 6.0