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  1. new build for cs3...lf hardware and software advice
  2. mark clip shortcut in CS4 - where?
  3. Optimizing Premiere Pro CS3 Render Times
  4. Scenr detect for Avi files
  5. The worst thing about premiere; Why Are loading times so SLOW!?
  6. Exporting footage from Final Cut to work with Premiere
  7. Laptop suggestions for OnLocation
  8. Cs2 Cs3 & Cs4 ?
  9. Sound only on Right speaker?
  10. Youtube profile in Media Encoder
  11. Please help...I am frustrated!
  12. lostmy keyboard shortcuts
  13. titles in premiere
  14. Premiere Pro CS2 Laggy Image Sequence
  15. Mask everything but 1 color
  16. On Location in CS4 removes vectorscope features
  17. Editing .avi from HD3/TOD file
  18. How many sequences max?
  19. Frame Rates in Premiere Elements
  20. Mixing SD and HD footage in an HD timeline?
  21. Quick Fade
  22. Premiere Problem/ shuting down
  23. Help me edit 250 frames in bulk, please?
  24. NVIDIA® Quadro® CX for Adobe® Creative Suite® 4
  25. Licence to Adobe CS3 inexplicably expires
  26. Deployed soldiers Adobe CS3 keeps crashing..
  27. Editor compatibility with CS4?
  28. Plugin compatibility with CS4?
  29. Adobe CS4 products are now shipping
  30. 24P Wedding, client hates it...
  31. Onlocation Trial
  32. Mirroring mono to make stereo
  33. Contrast and Saturation Question
  34. Importing and changing the image size of .psd or picture
  35. Questions about CS4
  36. Adding a color reference monitor
  37. Advanced Color Grading
  38. Best sub £500 laptop PC with Firewire?
  39. H.264 format
  40. Recording Capture Problem
  41. HDV using CS4 vs Cineform aspect HD vs ?
  42. Is there such a thing as too much RAM for P-Pro CS3
  43. Deployed Soldier needs editing advice
  44. 8bit or 10bit for project settings in PPCS3
  45. Random still frame in nested sequence...?
  46. Preferred tools for CC, Luma, etc..? in PPCS3
  47. Export to Encore | "Empty Project"?
  48. Premiere and Handles
  49. cs4 and xh-a1
  50. Sony XDCAM EX and Premiere Pro