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  1. CS5 renders 24p HDV as alternating lines
  2. Encore Chapter Markers aren't their to link.
  3. CS5 Encore bug "timeline bitrate too high"...w/subtitles!
  4. Just trying out the trial version and found a problem
  5. Having a little technical issue with applying transitons in Premiere CS4
  6. premiere pro cs3 and 6 cores
  7. Any GTS 450 Tests Yet?
  8. Adobe Premier/Media Encoder CS4 "disk error"
  9. Suddenly very slow DVD encoding w/ CS5
  10. A little editing tip help
  11. XDCAM Suport in Pr CS5
  12. Premiere Audio Settings for Mixer (Onyx 1220i)
  13. After Effects CS5 (10.0.1) is available.
  14. Trying to combine Audio Channels
  15. Time Ramping Speed Faster Than 1000% in Premiere CS5?
  16. Incorrect Aspect Ratio for Exported files
  17. Premiere Pro CS5 (5.0.2) update is available.
  18. Premiere Pro CS5.0.2 update out !
  19. HD to SD sequence problem
  20. Encore: Recorder "None found" issue
  21. Problems editing DSLR footage on CS4?
  22. Mpe
  23. is 1440x1080 (1.333) the same as 1920x1080 (1.0)
  24. Mobile Rough cut editor CS5
  25. is it possible/healthy to mix 25p and 50i footage
  26. Time Code to change with slow motion
  27. Force rendering - which effect in CS 5
  28. Editing Help Please.
  29. Creating multiple new sequences quest
  30. Deleting space between clips in premiere
  31. Best plug in for stabilizing footage in PPro and AE?
  32. Free four clips at same time
  33. SMPTE Time Code
  34. Problems with AVCHD?
  35. Windows 7 Vs Xp For Cs4?
  36. CS5 faster than CS4 on a slower system?
  37. Moving a project to another hard-drive
  38. Wedding Export Flicker Help
  39. Adobe Encore CS5 Motion Menu Quality Issue
  40. Quick question about 2 cameras in CS5
  41. Canon 7D video clips in CS5 to SLOW ??
  42. Time-Lapse in Adobe CS5 ??
  43. hdv to dvd
  44. Best Way to Use Premiere with Multiple Users on Multiple Computers?
  45. i5 vs Phenom X6 for cheap edit system?
  46. PP4: Getting audio levels to export properly, when using mixer?
  47. Premiere cs5 seems to crush my dslr imports... why?
  48. cs5 crashing when rendering
  49. premiere CS5 and graphics card- what to do...
  50. Premiere CS5: order clips by timecode??