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  1. CS5 DSLR Editing: Bigger RAM or upgrade Video Card?
  2. Faster with SLI?
  3. Exporting Android Devices
  4. Interlaced to progressive conversions
  5. Moving a CS5 Premiere Project from PC to Mac...
  6. PPro CS5 new trimming tools?
  7. Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 announced as paid update
  8. Vitascene V2
  9. Nanoflash MXF on CS5
  10. duplicating frames with timelapse footage
  11. OT - Adding Alternate Languages
  12. File Format Question from an FCP User
  13. Freezing Problem with AME
  14. Choppy playback of DSLR and CS5
  15. Audio Playing Fine in the Timeline, but Exports as Silence
  16. How many work exclusively in after effects?
  17. Adobe CS 5.5
  18. Massive crash.
  19. Color Finesse for PPro CS5???
  20. Editing Control surface
  21. How to do THIS dissolve in Premiere?
  22. Need sage advice in getting right CS5 PC
  23. Only 34 seconds shows of .vob file on Media Encoder
  24. Delete all type styles in titler styles library
  25. CS5 file to FC Pro
  26. Auto captue clip log?
  27. New Laptop
  28. After uploading to Vimeo, footage is blown out? file looks fine coming out of PPro
  29. Mixed HD footage (720p50 & HDV1080) to SD
  30. Transferring Chapter Markers between Encore Projects
  31. Black and White effect on sequence?
  32. Premiere Pro CS3 and Canon MXF files?
  33. Confusion with 1440 vs 1920, best setup for encore for DVD and bluray?
  34. Can Premiere CS5 now resize HD to SD better than before?
  35. Beware - found an audio bug
  36. Odd audio problem!!
  37. Premiere problem
  38. Need tips on how to visualize pollen drift
  39. Adjusting Timeline Position?
  40. HDV Timeline Footage 2 DVD compliant MPEG-2
  41. Question on Tutorials
  42. Best video quality from premiere
  43. Performance Concerns
  44. simple crop and border with Premier CS5
  45. Has anyone tested Quicksync with AME CS5?
  46. Does speed of memory matter for CS5?
  47. Disappearing SATA attached optical drive under Win7
  48. Premiere Pro CS5: Metadata Question
  49. Adobe CS5 does not see installed ram.
  50. Could someone with CS5 test a quick file for me?