View Full Version : High Definition Video Editing Solutions

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  1. Windows 7 Rocks!
  2. new technology development in video ...
  3. Hard Drive Solutions
  4. Editing, then transferring to after effects
  5. Encoding m2t to m2v Quality loss.
  6. Beginners Help with Sony HDV Video Editing
  7. Mixing HD with HDV
  8. Should I offer a Blu-ray DVD?
  9. Problem with MXO on Macintosh ?
  10. Mac Pro Quad core vs: 8 core
  11. Computer for Video Editing
  12. FCP 6.0.5 problems....
  13. how to capture HDV for use in Windows AND Mac
  14. HD-space on hard disk
  15. HDV hell ride ! 1
  16. Vegas Pro 8 and Vaio JS
  17. HDV - SD premiere CS4 workflow
  18. core2 duo vs quad core
  19. Digital Scaling HDV footage
  20. Help me with my ghosting please
  21. True 1080/24p workflow...
  22. HD Editing Questions
  23. Problem Importing to After Effects
  24. XDCAM EX Multibridge Pro
  25. RAID choice help
  26. Conversion of MTS files in toast gives me grainy footage!
  27. New PC on the cheap...
  28. Trouble Playing Matrox HD AVI files
  29. Some simple HD questions
  30. Vista 64 bit - which version?
  31. Save The Cheerleader...Save The World...
  32. Monitor for both Photo and Video editing
  33. Any Pinnicale 12 users here?
  34. What type of editing program should I get?
  35. slow export to QT from XDCAM EX timeline in FCP
  36. What way to Archive/Content manage HD ?
  37. Solid state disk
  38. Solid State Disk
  39. Capturing HD is Not as Easy as Capturing a Butterfly.
  40. looking for real page turn transition
  41. Splitting X.264 (mov) the easy way?
  42. export settings
  43. Advice needed on configuring laptop editing system
  44. Advice needed on configuring laptop editing system
  45. New Computersystem
  46. Thoughts on HD Capture Cards
  47. XDCAM & HDV workflow for SDE
  48. FCP wont capture!!
  49. M2t player?
  50. MPEG Artifacts/Packet loss on capture