View Full Version : High Definition Video Editing Solutions

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  1. firewire on motherboard or separate
  2. P4 3.6 1ML2 cache or P4 3.4 2ML2 cache?
  3. P4 or AMD 64 - HDV editing system?
  4. how to downconvert to SD from HDV timeline?
  5. AIC issues - help
  6. Mixing HDV with HDCAM; Also: Telecine to HDV?
  7. Does anyone know how the VOOM network can accept HDV/HDTV programming?
  8. Help! please!! HDV workflow problem
  9. Murph does it again, a FREE Frame Rate Converter for Final Cut Pro HD?
  10. Please Jump on Apple
  11. Mac mini + iMovie HDV compatible ? Yes !
  12. HDV Handbook online
  13. See the Sony HVR-M10e in action!
  14. HDV workflow
  15. Can you downcovert to sd without compressing the pic?
  16. They are finally done..
  17. How To Distribute Hdv???
  18. M2T to Streamclip to DV Film Maker?
  19. Can I do this?
  20. Frameserving Part II
  21. HDV distrubution formats.
  22. New Lumiere HD Version Available
  23. Timecode preservation in HDV production
  24. 50i versus 60i with Z1P
  25. HDV and DV Workflow?
  26. Capturing HDV
  27. Editing methods
  28. Gigabit Ethernet network: good for HDV/DV editing?
  29. Shoot using 2X anamorphic lens->Take advantage of HDV?
  30. Important Business decision
  31. Basic HDV Editing Software
  32. FX1 timecode
  33. what kind of utilities are there to convert m2t to...
  34. Getting 1080i CRT Monitor working with G5
  35. Ugly Duckling CF24 becomes beautiful 24p Swan Footage in Vegas (i think)...
  36. Converting 50i HDV to 60i HDV, can it done?
  37. 720x576 = looks like old Bruce Lee movie. Long and skinny people...
  38. MPEG1 cannot handle "heavy editing"
  39. HDVxDV -- haven't seen this posted anywhere yet.
  40. How do I get HD back out for monitoring?
  41. JVC MiniDVm2t-PC-MiniDVm2t-ComponentOut
  42. Compare HDV/miniDV scratch disk and storage needs
  43. Can't capture MT2 to my Mac
  44. DV Film not ideal for action shots?
  45. AIC-M2t and compression problems
  46. What Is The Proper Way To Capture Cf30?
  47. iMovie 5.0.1 update!
  48. Need help with going from FCP HD (1080i) to DV!
  49. Clips and a frame grab: 720p HDV samples from iMovie HD
  50. HDV on a SD timeline?