View Full Version : High Definition Video Editing Solutions

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  1. Seagate for HDV
  2. AJA KONA LH board or not? Please help this newbie.
  3. HDV 1080i downconvert to 4:3 ntsc - How?
  4. Canon xl1s / gl2 / Sony hd
  5. Ugh, I truly need a PC Software Suggestion
  6. memory for hd editing
  7. HDV to DVCam downconverted capture
  8. Mark Kubat and his fx1/24p work: whatever happened there?
  9. HDV delivery method
  10. DV versus HDV examples
  11. 24p cfhd.avi to Digibeta
  12. HD Editing on a Laptop?
  13. Converting PAL to NTSC for Broadcast
  14. Monitors?
  15. Jerky video: FX1 to VX2100 to PC widescreen
  16. ATI Radeon X700 Pro 256MB Graphics Card (4x/8x AGP)
  17. 30 fps to 25 fps problems
  18. Building/purchasing dedicated HDV PC
  19. My HD100 footage looks bad in post!
  20. RAIDs
  21. No images with HDV files
  22. pcboost
  23. What's going on in the world of DIVX?
  24. Editing UPREZZED FOOTAGE. Is it possible?
  25. Generation loss - Archiving/copying HDV via capture->export
  26. Pc for magic bullet and HD
  27. PremiereHDV->AE workflo question
  28. Best firewire drive to use as media drive
  29. Thoughts on NLE HDV PC system
  30. HDV to SD production - How?
  31. What NLE are you using with the HD100?
  32. Pinnacle 10
  33. rendering hdv to 16:9 dv pal
  34. Is anyone capturing 720p/24p using "Adobe Premier Pro" & "Main Concepts" plug-in?
  35. Best way to go from HDV 16:9 to DV 4:3?
  36. Best Performing PC system for Editing?
  37. Monitoring HD and SD output simultaneously
  38. hdv1080i -> dvfilmmaker 24p -> fcp5 -> problems
  39. HDV downrezzing, Ok for theatre projection?
  40. Benefits to HDV->SD Downconvert with Nattress?
  41. DVFilmmaker OSX with HDV - triplesize?
  42. HDcam to HDV?
  43. HDV and software
  44. Now we have a whole bunch of Cameras
  45. HDV editing solution advice
  46. MSP8 Released - Anyone planning to use it?
  47. Premier-Poor Quality Downconverting from HD
  48. Playing HD MPEG 2 Files
  49. A weird way to do 1080i to 720p? .. or Im nuts?
  50. Can DVFilm Maker smooth out MPEG Artifacts?