View Full Version : High Definition Video Editing Solutions

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  1. HD100 HDV footage editing: HDV or SDI or SD?, I have no idea how I should output ftg
  2. "Apt. B" Music Video playing at IFC Media Lab
  3. s16mm transfert to DVCPRO HD ?
  4. Need Help With Editing
  5. premeire pro wont detect
  6. Problem with video from After Effects
  7. Will i always loose all info when i render to MPEG2?
  8. Downconvert from 720/25p to 576/50p or 480/60p
  9. Z1 & Chroma Key
  10. ReflecMedia Mattenee
  11. Editing HD thro EDL (Edit Decision Lists)
  12. Specs for a $1000 HDV editing system?
  13. True 24p and the A1U... Can it be done? Absolutely! - A PC Users Solution
  14. Edius, Premiere better than Vegas for HDV?
  15. After the HD delivery...
  16. Leaping to HD: What video/capture card for PPro 2.0?
  17. G6Twr, intel quad3.5GHz, 2GHz FSbus, 512MB Video, w/BluRay Drive
  18. HDV render time work around?
  19. HDR-HC3: What is the best HD capture s/w package?
  20. Has anyone tried INSTANT HD from Red Giant Software?
  21. HD-DVD Replication
  22. Editing dilemma
  23. Urgent help on recording and capturing needed!
  24. What's wrong with Compressor?
  25. Hvr-m25e
  26. FCP5 or Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0?
  27. HDR-HC1 Playback/Edit Question
  28. Dual Core better in what way?
  29. HDV to HD-SDI for Broadcast (In Toronto)
  30. New SONY HDV deck? Panasonic 26" Monitor?
  31. Integrating Jvc Gy Hd100 & Sony Hvrz1p Footage.
  32. adobe pp2 with 24p hdv?
  33. Cheapest solution for uncompressed HD playback
  34. BOXX workstation arrives tommorrow
  35. Starting from Scratch with XLH1... advice sought
  36. Just bought a New Editing System
  37. SpeedEDIT
  38. Toshiba HD-DVD Player & DVDSP4
  39. Does anyone know a video capture card planned for ExpressCard/34 slot?
  40. Building a SledgeHammer - Dual AMD Opteron Dual Core machine
  41. Apple Intermediate Codec VS. CineForm Codec
  42. Liquid 7 for $50 or Vegas Movies Studio
  43. Dedicated drive
  44. Cheaper Motherboard and Processor for HDV
  45. Sending HDV to Stock Footage Company. How?
  46. What type/size monitor should I buy to edit Sony FX1 1080i hdv footage?
  47. "gamer" cards good enough for HD output to monitor?
  48. Anyone using a 2.8 Ghz dual core Intel system for HDV editing?
  49. Help me choose- Which new pc for HDV editing.
  50. Deinterlacing 1080i HDV