View Full Version : High Definition Video Editing Solutions

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  1. Best HDV Ingesting method for easy editing?
  2. Building Multi-use Footage Archive: NTSC or PAL?
  3. HD 30p vs HDV 50i using together
  4. Looking to setup a PC for Adobe Premiere Pro Work!
  5. Why usb3 raid0 are slower than thunderbolt?
  6. Good, Clean Compression for HD Streaming
  7. Multi-cam shooting solution for best post workflow?
  8. AVCHD > DV conversion?
  9. Best "lossless" format to use in premiere cs6 trial
  10. HDV Capture, Premiere Pro Alternative?
  11. Is there any editor or plugin available to make a clip OUT OF FOCUS?
  12. Offline Editing with Adobe Premiere CS6 - workflow ideas?
  13. Converting HD to SD for DVDs
  14. SFX for editing
  15. terenex or snell and wilcox frame rate conversion
  16. HP Debuts an All-in-One 27" Xeon-based Workstation
  17. In dire need of Workflow HELP!
  18. Hard drive questions, using 3 disk total, 1 system 1raid 0
  19. Pair of RAID 0s?
  20. Which Solid State Drive for OS and Programs
  21. eSATA splitter
  22. FCP Render times dramatically increased
  23. Jerky Video and Garbled Sound
  24. Any software that can scan HDV for drop outs?
  25. From MXF to AVI to Export, Settings Are Key.
  26. my corsair tx850 PSU
  27. LaCie 2big Quadra - Drive Swapping
  28. raid 0 problems
  29. WD Caviar Black 2TB heat issues
  30. system not coming on.
  31. The Great Gamma Problem
  32. Workflow ideas for Better Broadcast
  33. System Boot
  34. Presentation help please
  35. My power supply
  36. Outputting Short Film to HDCam & Digibeta
  37. MXF4mac or something equivalent...
  38. Archiving EX1 projects
  39. Color correction question
  40. EDIUS 6 or AVID 5.5??
  41. Which Software For Editing?
  42. edit in 720 or 1080 timeline for creative reframing?
  43. Blu-ray playback on Windows 7
  44. More RAM or better Video Card for DSLR Editor?
  45. Which Compressor is acceptable to you: Apple ProRess
  46. transcode 5DM2 footage to Prores 422 or Prores 422 HQ?
  47. Blu-Ray Authoring
  48. iPad2 + iMovie - anyone tried it yet?
  49. Will my computer be alright for editing HD videoÉ
  50. HELP! SD to HD edit