- What' the easiest way to add talking bubbles to HDV footage shot on HV20 & XH A1?
- HDV and Graphic Card Overlay Resolutions?
- HDV 720/24p editing solution. Help?
- Cineform or BMD Intensity?
- What exactly do capture cards do?
- Which HDV editing program do you use?
- HD Editing Desk Setups?
- Mac to Linux, Linux NLE that is similar, but better than FCP?
- Titles
- HD-SDI to ComponentVideo/AnalogAudio (and vice versa)
- Help encoding hdv footage in Cleaner XL 1.5 for web delivery!
- NLE workflow thread
- Editing offline with DV PAL
- Good Graphic Card?
- How to import Premier Pro EDL into Final Cut
- New FCP 5.1
- Whats the Best SATA RAID controler ?
- PC + Avid Liquid or Mac + FCP?
- Best archival / mastering method for HDV projects??
- Baseball Statistics
- What's wrong with my process?
- Mid Range Graphics Card
- Mixing SD and HD footage
- Editing without a computer - need ideas.
- 16:9 video to 4:3
- Sony BRC-H700 HDV problem
- Project Help
- Workflow tips for combining HDV and DV?
- Capturing From JVC200E into FCP 5.2.1
- GREEN video and stills on export
- NEW: Corel consumer HD-DVD/Blu-Ray software
- Editing HDV
- Convert .ts files to something smaller in OSX?
- even playing 1080 24p files?
- Test results Positve! Downscale HDV to SD
- Anyone have an HD Leader?
- Best media player for CF Aspect HD .avi files
- Is the Matrox RT.X2 Worth the Money
- Connect HD audio drift problems
- Why do my 1440x1080 clips look exactly the same output to 1920x1080?
- Editing uncompressed 8-bit - what drive do I need?
- 24fps HDV in Studio10/VirtualDub/CommotionPro4.1
- Night Vision Catastrophe!
- What is best way to downconvert HDV to DV?
- "3D" Effect on still pictures
- I need a lot of help
- Newtek SpeedEDIT software & VT[4]
- Magic Bullet