View Full Version : General HD (720 / 1080) Acquisition

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  1. Stunning Film Technique clips-Planet Earth
  2. Film Resolution
  3. Ever heard of Frappr?
  4. Newbie question: HDV, Firewire and chromakey
  5. 720p Camera recommendations
  6. HDV desktop hard disk recorder
  7. Macrovision HDV/ HDD Recorder
  8. Capturing the HD signal from an XBOX 360?
  9. what pair to get
  10. Which format for a documentary
  11. Porta Brace clumsiness
  12. Better online version of my HDV film
  13. 1st feature film, low budget HD, mostly exteriors: which camera set up?
  14. great interview about the equipment-z1-hvx-xl h1 , etc.
  15. Amphibious Use: Z1, HVX200 or Z2?
  16. New Sony HDV decks - anyone know more?
  17. HVR-A1E or HDR-FX1E
  18. Free Chromatic Aberration Correction Software
  19. Sony Showcases New HD Camcorder
  20. Camera and workflow for stock footage
  21. 720p future proofing... blast away
  22. HDV-to-DVB-ASI converter
  23. Televisions news format standards
  24. SD video to HD video conversion
  25. Sony HDCX-300
  26. Pair of Interesting Articles: Nordahl HDTV Reports -- formats and cams
  27. How to Calculate the Native Colour Resolution of RGB/Bayer Single Chip?
  28. Duration of HD ( as a system ) ?
  29. about 24......25 fpm
  30. CCD pixel count (H1,HVX200,HD100,Z1)
  31. How many stops of latitude does the eye have at a time.
  32. Where Oh Where did my FireWire Go?
  33. Dan Brockett's HVX200 / Z1 Comparo
  34. HCR-A1 vs PD170 for TV pictures
  35. 24p vs 25p
  36. AG HVX200 Vs HDR-Z1U Footage
  37. DELL 2405 monitor to C-stand conversion! Help?
  38. Software based CA correction possible for Cheaper HD lens ?
  39. Just call me Rip Van Winkle!
  40. Guess the requirements of this CLIP
  41. 35mm still lenses to 1/2" CCD camera
  42. Sony HVR-A1U or Sony HDR-FX1?
  43. HD lenses and Chromatic Aberration.
  44. Wedding CAMERA outside events ??
  45. HDV on the big screen
  46. What are we?
  47. 16x9 lipstick?
  48. Mac G5 Hardware setup?
  49. Best camera for non-broadcast
  50. Color resolution when downconverting to SD