- So has anyone had a fiddle witha 5D yet??
- How Many Clicks?
- Making a movie with two dozen Canon D-SLR's
- 2.8 pro lenses outside diameter-canon
- Cross Processing (E6) with Digital
- Sexxxxxxy camera porn
- Canon Announces the 5D
- Hurrah!- a 30mm F1.4 for my Canon - instant low light karma!
- Canon 20D and a group of lenses...
- Kodak stops B&W paper production
- digital photography message board
- timelapse with still camera and laptop
- video converters on still cameras
- Idea
- Camera
- Canon flash advice
- Need tripod and monopod
- Canon 1DS MKII, in stock now!
- Which still digi cam has greatest res?
- Mount for VL
- Shot my first SOLO wedding yesterday.
- Thinking about moving from Canon to Nikon...
- Shameless Self-Promotion <g>
- G6 vs dsc-v3
- Canon 100-300mm L
- Still's Make Great Looking Video!
- Good Slideshow software -> video file ?
- viewing photos on HDTV ?
- Best Photo Printer (2005)
- a true 4 gigapixel multi-film camera
- Good camera that will take shots quick!?
- Movie Short shot with Canon 20D!
- BULLET CAM via MATRIX Film for mitchell arriflex 35mm
- D1X Problems
- Photoshop CS2
- i want to take a picture, with the same quality & DOF of a common Arriflex. Wich CAM?
- Old Rebel G lens with digital body
- 144 MP digital camera
- Casio Exilim EX-P505 VGA videos?
- 10d vert grip problem
- looking for a fix, a Sigma fix that is
- Some Stellar Photography
- Cheap printing
- online/magazine photo competitions
- Canon 10D backup settings
- I am looking for a Photoshop or Fireworks filter that will make a HI_RES still...
- PowerShot S500
- New Panasonic Compacts
- ProMaster EF zoom lenses
- BP-508 in Digital rebel