View Full Version : What Happens in Vegas...

  1. What do I render video for Blu-Ray Disc?
  2. A new 3D blocking workflow
  3. Why does vegas darken my footage??
  4. Vegas MPEG 2 DVD authoring quality loss??
  5. For lovers of the deceased Magic Bullet Looks....
  6. Black clips on timeline and in final render, any insight?
  7. 80 mins on One DVD?
  8. How to handle Pixel Aspect 1.33 & 1.00 (square)
  9. 10e recompressing
  10. dx_video_grovel_x64.log (this crash error is driving me mad)
  11. FX Bypass Shortcut Key?
  12. Excalibur 6 - SVP 10e - Event Properties does not apply
  13. Chromakey controls
  14. Video Capture settings Changed??
  15. FCP .mov clip aspect ratio in Vegas?
  16. Using the 400 custom music soundtracks
  17. Best Settings Rendering & Project Properties for AVI??
  18. Need recommendations for a fast scratch drive
  19. Vegas Pro 10E- defective transition
  20. Printing HDV from Canon HV40 back to tape
  21. Final output dvpal widescreen has always low volume, why?
  22. 51 minutes of video in DVDARCH, best setting 4 the best quality
  23. VERY Slow Render to Cineform
  24. A couple of photo - aspect ratio questions
  25. Vegas 10e does ProRes - yay!
  26. PAL to NTSC (again!)
  27. Color grading presets
  28. Anyone tried this with DVD Architect 5
  29. Sony Vegas MSHD (Plat) and JVC GY500
  30. RGB to Studio RGB - confusion reigns....
  31. Pro 10e Render Settings for 5D MOV
  32. Wish me luck...
  33. Pro 10 User Interface Color
  34. Webinar Promo
  35. Resizing HD to SD 720 or 1080
  36. audio sync plugin?
  37. transitions are not smooth
  38. i7 2600k @ 3.4::4.0::4.2 GHZ Vegas 10 Benchmarks
  39. Vegas Pro 10 creating an unwanted folder...
  40. Veg 9 not recognising HDV Camera
  41. problem with non-English font in Veges 9.
  42. AVCCAM to SD Video
  43. Capturing Live footage
  44. Preview on external display doesn't work
  45. Secondary monitor setup help
  46. Colour changes
  47. Vegas 7.0d won't capture my DV video
  48. Scattershot from VASST
  49. creating blu-ray iso in dvd architect
  50. handwriting in vegas