View Full Version : What Happens in Vegas...

  1. 3rd monitor
  2. New Computer for Sony Vegas 10 - Quad core or Six Core
  3. Should I upgrade to Windows 7 64bit?
  4. HDMI or DVI?
  5. VMS 10 HD Platinum capturing video
  6. problem connecting camcorder
  7. Best way to correct washed out colour??
  8. Blu ray question and suggestion
  9. Mercali v1.0.16
  10. Multicam editing - what a piece of junk
  11. Plural Eyes - no brainer
  12. Ultra fast motion in Sony Vegas 10.0e?
  13. Runnng Vegas on a Mac?
  14. MPEG-2 Amnesia Please Help
  15. Is this Blu Ray quality?
  16. should smart resample always be off?
  17. Preview problem with MB Looks and Vegas
  18. Determine bitrate of video?
  19. Vegas won't save
  20. Looks back for Vegas - 32 AND 64 bit!
  21. Render times of regions do not add up?
  22. DNxHD no recompress?
  23. i7 990X or i7980 vs i7 920 overclocked, anyone upgraded?
  24. V10 bullets and Panny af 100 files crash
  25. suggestion on bitrate to mix in Vegas later....
  26. First Wedding, Two cameras, 1 big question
  27. OT: how to get rid of wind noise
  28. Mixing GH2 and XF100 footage
  29. VMS Production vs Visual Effects Suite
  30. Best Render Format to Convert to Flash Video
  31. DVDA error after update
  32. Can't smart render HDV in Vegas Pro 9.0 (no "no recompression")
  33. Matching Diff Audio sources
  34. Is 50P tougher on your Processor?
  35. Playback to HDTV freezes (was;Editing 3D MVC files from Sony TD10 issue)
  36. Vegas to Encore for Blu Ray render
  37. issues with Twixtor -
  38. DVDA - 3 hours on single DVD - am I being naive?
  39. Mpeg on timeline
  40. Upgrade from Vegas Pro 8, or upgrade my PC?
  41. Group Track feature - another hidden Vegas feature
  42. Editing 3D MVC files from Sony TD10 issue
  43. Video: nVidia demo of Vegas Pro 11 at IBC
  44. DVD Architect m2v render problem solution
  45. Wrong colour space when making blu-ray in Vegas
  46. Managing lengthy timelines and moving sections around
  47. SMLuminance plugin updated for 64-bit
  48. 2 projects on timeline
  49. First attempt at Blu-Ray...recommendations?
  50. How to get vintage "instagram" look on Magic Bullet Looks 2?