- Can Vegas do multi angle editing like FCP?
- 720p Project Render Settings
- 16:9 footage changes when effects added
- Convert project to 24p when project has been edited 29.970 fps?
- Audio out of sync...only on some clips.
- Red Giant Softwares
- Huge Undetaking
- Audio POPs and Crackles
- What are the best project size for the HC1 - HD
- Best settinngs to compress to Web
- in and out point in Vegas ?
- How can the looping feature be disabled?
- New Computer For Vegas!
- Vegas 7.0d is now available
- Vegas and DAW's
- 38 files - how to make a single DVD arch. 3 movie?
- I can't Capture to Vegas.
- Running vegas on a laptop
- My saving quality?
- Weird reult on T
- Any JVC100/HDV people using Vegas?
- Audio distortion in Vegas
- Popping Sound
- Rendering for DVD Architect
- A free tutorial to Vegas
- Merging Tracks in Vegas...
- can vegas to this?
- Thumbnail question:
- DVD Architect Sudio? How do you do a menu?
- Wierd things in external preview
- Vista and Vegas
- Converting 60i to 24p
- How do I have several clips play simultaneously within one frame
- Some questions about Sony Vegas 7
- Vegas Just Fading Away?
- OT: VASST on YouTube!!
- DVDA Music Compilation Problem!!
- Shortcut or keystroke for dissolves?
- "Sync cursor" button always shadowed out?
- 60i to 24p
- How to edit an action scene...
- Render to .mov...Vegas Crashes
- Adding a shadow to a movie in DVDA
- Vegas vs HD (down-convert)
- Vegas vs Film look (greenish tint)
- Video on page turning
- infinitycam / FX?
- Help with audio problem.
- Render Format for HDDVD
- Can I use Vegas as a DAT data backup?