View Full Version : What Happens in Vegas...

  1. Do all existing 3rd party plugins work with Vegas 8?
  2. Vegas 8 Pro - Is Quicktime a must?
  3. How to playback rendered .mxf-files?
  4. Vegas 8 Pro pricing
  5. FX filters not working
  6. Vegas 8 with V 7 settings?
  7. Decklink support dropped in V8?
  8. Vegas 8 ready for download:)
  9. 32-bit floating point questions
  10. Best way to connect TV and Monitor to graphic card
  11. Vegas Movie Studio 7 Plat sound out of sync
  12. Can you do this in Vegas?
  13. Fingers crossed Pro 8 cures black frame bug
  14. looking to switch
  15. Exporting HD project from Vegas to a Canon XH-A1...
  16. Trimmer ignores the Preview Quality setting
  17. Custom buttom does not work under Render as
  18. Vegas 7.0e crashes on startup...
  19. Is there a BroadCast Safe in Vegas 7 or 8?
  20. Urgent help: Subtitles in Vegas
  21. School me on DML...
  22. HC1 not being recognized by Vegas 6 ?
  23. Video card for Vegas Movie Studio
  24. Creating Flickering Fire Effect
  25. Gearshift 1.7 released, now with AVCHD support!
  26. Fastest HD render too format?
  27. Another interlaced/deinterlace question
  28. Very slow rendering
  29. Another conversion/delivery problem...
  30. Audio clean-up: rain noise
  31. Vegas Pro 8 multicam tool preview
  32. Buttons disappear dvda
  33. Vegas Rendering
  34. no compression to compression---easy volume fix?
  35. Using Takes
  36. space between still frames?
  37. Questions about trial versions of Vegas
  38. Migrating from Prem Pro2 to Vegas.
  39. Windows Media Player not working with second monitor?
  40. best codec for Premiere?
  41. Renaming 1st scene/chapter marker???
  42. How do you 'batch capure' HD in Vegas7
  43. Vegas vs FCP
  44. Soooo frustrating!!! dvda
  45. Burner for Vegas and HDV
  46. How Do I Render Quality 1080p .mov Quicktime?
  47. Project Author, copyright etc.
  48. m2v and ac3 into Vegas - how?
  49. Serial Numbers?
  50. Vegas and Sound Forge Integration