View Full Version : What Happens in Vegas...

  1. banding in output file
  2. Where is audio gone ?
  3. Can vegas 7 or 8 do live shooting & capturing into laptop?
  4. Cutting, perhaps even splicing, WITHOUT RENDERING
  5. Multicam v8
  6. Panasonic MFX files
  7. Vegas 8 crashing with stills - help please
  8. Audio Question
  9. Anyone using Vegas on an Intel Mac?
  10. To Edward Troxel - IMPORTANT!!!
  11. Its another Vegas 8 bug -> Rendering
  12. Computer colour, Studio RGB and .m2t
  13. What happened to my presets in Vegas 8!!!
  14. 16:9 pan crop w/still not the same size as 16:9 project video?
  15. resizing video or making transparency
  16. Playback help
  17. ADVC110 - Help!
  18. Vegas 8 and production philosophy
  19. 4:3 title safe on a 16:9 project
  20. Vegas 8 Pro Layouts organize...
  21. Darken Vegas's User Interface?
  22. Color Correction Question
  23. Too many presets! Can't see 'em all
  24. DVD Architect Pro 4.5a installation
  25. Multiple render at the same time
  26. How Do You Switch From Pro 8 and DVD Architect Pro 4.5?
  27. Moving all events on all tracks at once
  28. Time Lapse
  29. Toggling Sound/Video linking
  30. Upgrade Chipset
  31. Strobe Effect
  32. Learning Vegas 8
  33. Recommend a cheap tape deck
  34. Purchasing Vegas 8 online
  35. Advice please?
  36. Preserving colour spaces with the Lagarith codec
  37. How to handle 1920x1080p in 1440x1080i?
  38. Saving event groups
  39. Opacity Points within a clip - oops event !
  40. Bringing Illustrator file into Vegas
  41. Where do you get Vegas 6 cheap?
  42. Pro Tools to Sony Vegas/Nuendo
  43. Project markers not showing up in DVDA
  44. Ac3 template in Vegas8
  45. No Audio in Vegas...
  46. Dual screen Vegas
  47. upgrading to 8
  48. Help...fuzzy secondary display
  49. Grouping question in Vegas 7
  50. Vegas8 remove HV20 24p Pulldown?