View Full Version : What Happens in Vegas...

  1. 1920x1080 60i a waste?
  2. Vegas 13 SLOW render
  3. New build of Vegas Pro 13
  4. Vegas P10 and Neoscene.
  5. Vegas 12 preview screen
  6. NewBlueFX Pro Titler Version 1 and Vegas Pro 13
  7. Sony Vegas 13 & Red .r3d Colour Science
  8. What are you syncing about?
  9. I'm assuming Sony Vegas 10 doesn't support Mpeg 50mbpp
  10. Titler Pro 3 QuickEdit Tutorial
  11. Titler Pro 3.0 update
  12. Magic Bullet Looks now OFFICIALLY Compatible For VP12 and VP13!
  13. End of the road?
  14. FS 700 flicker removal
  15. DNG sequences and vegas 12
  16. Sony NR 2.0 working in Vegas 12?
  17. Vegas Pro 13 is Here
  18. First play conumdrum in DVDA
  19. Rendering a piece in the original format
  20. Pro 13 introduction at NAB
  21. Final render won't play in vegas 12 latest build
  22. Pro 13 press announcement
  23. Sony Vegas Pro 13
  24. Despite its flaws . . .
  25. Mp4/H.264?
  26. Am I Stupid, or does Vegas suck for multicam
  27. Trimmer Window using Timecodes = FUBAR
  28. preview window not showing effects changes
  29. DV Workflow
  30. How do you place chapter markers for a bluray render?
  31. mov problems
  32. Basic/Stupid Question re grabbing single frame
  33. Burn 4K footage to Blu-ray
  34. Is there a New Blue FX tool to do this?
  35. Broadcast mix, not to exceed -10 dbfs
  37. Freeze if you drag front edge of a clip
  38. all video accidently muted...
  39. Help Screen Crashes Vegas 12
  40. Vegas 12 and NewBlue Video Essentials Question
  41. Jerky, stuttering BD play.
  42. Speeding up SSDs
  43. RENDERING ISSUE - Help !!
  44. Rendering problem with Sony Vegas 12
  45. New Blue ColorFast is is worth it?
  46. Does anyone stand while editing?
  47. Vegas 12 Stabilizer
  48. Weird Exporting/Playback Issues - Look At The Snapshots!
  49. VP12 black events
  50. Sony Vegas and DVDA