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  1. Sound Professionals You Should Know.
  2. zoom h4n...external mic and usage question
  3. Mastering Tascam DR100MKII audio for Premiere CS6
  4. Does the Tascam DR-40 have Line level input?
  5. Sticky XLR connectors
  6. Field Audio Question
  7. The Sound of Les Miserables ..
  8. Audio Technica 4053b Hypercardoid Mic
  9. Me66 diameter adapter ? (C300 mic holder)
  10. AT899 unterminated pigtail wiring
  11. Battery usage and disposal.
  12. The Great GoPro Hero3 Audio Test
  13. Removing iPhone interference *in post*
  14. AT899 replacement mic?
  15. Wireless Microphone Solution on the cheap.
  16. Sound Forge Crash
  17. Sound Forge not obeying instructions
  18. Latest headphone poll.
  19. Sennheiser HD280 Question
  20. Shure mixer connected to Canon HV 30 camcorder
  21. Boom Pole Recommendation
  22. what is your preferred indoor non-lav dialogue mic-cheap-reasonable-wish list?
  23. Surviving your experience with an audio guy
  24. Thank you Steve Oakley/headphone review
  25. Mixer output to a Mac?
  26. Mixer / Camcorder Setup
  27. Low Cut (frequency) switch- how and when
  28. Using a stereo mic- are they your choice as a sound pro?
  29. Azden FMX-DSLR left channel issue
  30. Hum ho, now where was this recorded?
  31. Need advice about how to compare mic specs
  32. anyone use/like/dislike at897 shotgun mic?
  33. "Tinny" Audio Issue (5DmkII Tascam DR40)
  34. Shure FP33 mixer questions
  35. Crackle in audio - removal tips?
  36. Beachtek, two screws adapted to one screw?
  37. Microphone for interior dialogue
  38. Why does 48V input work with Auxsend?
  39. Tascam DR 05 or the Zoom H2N?
  40. XL1 to bone yard, can I salvage the mic?
  41. Can you recommend me some wind protection
  42. Tascam External mic powered or not??
  43. Replacing Sony ECM-44 with AT899? Advice please!
  44. Unpowered wired lav mic
  45. You can get a "GOOD" ENG/EFP mixer for $200.00
  46. Lav gain problem
  47. Which would you buy?
  48. Samson t32 Transmitter question
  49. H4n software upgrade?
  50. Can xlr channels be swapped?