- Sound Professionals You Should Know.
- zoom h4n...external mic and usage question
- Mastering Tascam DR100MKII audio for Premiere CS6
- Does the Tascam DR-40 have Line level input?
- Sticky XLR connectors
- Field Audio Question
- The Sound of Les Miserables ..
- Audio Technica 4053b Hypercardoid Mic
- Me66 diameter adapter ? (C300 mic holder)
- AT899 unterminated pigtail wiring
- Battery usage and disposal.
- The Great GoPro Hero3 Audio Test
- Removing iPhone interference *in post*
- AT899 replacement mic?
- Wireless Microphone Solution on the cheap.
- Sound Forge Crash
- Sound Forge not obeying instructions
- Latest headphone poll.
- Sennheiser HD280 Question
- Shure mixer connected to Canon HV 30 camcorder
- Boom Pole Recommendation
- what is your preferred indoor non-lav dialogue mic-cheap-reasonable-wish list?
- Surviving your experience with an audio guy
- Thank you Steve Oakley/headphone review
- Mixer output to a Mac?
- Mixer / Camcorder Setup
- Low Cut (frequency) switch- how and when
- Using a stereo mic- are they your choice as a sound pro?
- Azden FMX-DSLR left channel issue
- Hum ho, now where was this recorded?
- Need advice about how to compare mic specs
- anyone use/like/dislike at897 shotgun mic?
- "Tinny" Audio Issue (5DmkII Tascam DR40)
- Shure FP33 mixer questions
- Crackle in audio - removal tips?
- Beachtek, two screws adapted to one screw?
- Microphone for interior dialogue
- Why does 48V input work with Auxsend?
- Tascam DR 05 or the Zoom H2N?
- XL1 to bone yard, can I salvage the mic?
- Can you recommend me some wind protection
- Tascam External mic powered or not??
- Replacing Sony ECM-44 with AT899? Advice please!
- Unpowered wired lav mic
- You can get a "GOOD" ENG/EFP mixer for $200.00
- Lav gain problem
- Which would you buy?
- Samson t32 Transmitter question
- H4n software upgrade?
- Can xlr channels be swapped?