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  1. Wireless "frequency sharing? possible?
  2. ? Best audio/pa system for breakout class session ?
  3. XLR to mini jack adapter with phantom power?
  4. sound devices 2 channel MIX PRE D as AUDIO INTERFACE.
  5. Microphone to use for recording internal body sounds?
  6. Tips for voice over recording
  7. Classic mic in the Vatican?
  8. clever way of mounting Sound Devices 302 mixer with camera/tripod?
  9. I've made some DIY SmartLav like use on Smartphone sounds good?
  10. g3 directly into 744t or through 302?
  11. Recording a Cello
  12. Canon Vixia HF G10
  13. Are you using a Nagra SD?
  14. Lynda.Com - Audio Recording Techniques
  15. Question about using 2 wireless systems
  16. Mic sugg.
  17. I need a solution for live PA and recording
  18. Tips for keeping a lapel in a Zoom H1?
  19. Time for an Upgrade
  20. ratio between audio and background music?
  21. Zoom H4n & Double System Work - Sync Issues?
  22. Static damaged OST lav mic?
  23. Do i have my audio setup correct? (DSLR rig)
  24. Schoeps SuperCMIT Digital Shotgun Mic
  25. Canon XL2 LCD Monitor
  26. Replacement for Shure M367 mixer
  27. RĂ˜DE Announces SmartLav Lavalier Microphone for iOS Devices
  28. I am looking for a wood squeaking/creaking sound...
  29. what workflow, to export video to mix audio in daw (protools)
  30. which way to go with audio and wireless
  31. Fanfare For the Common Man
  32. R.I.P. Stefan Kudelski, inventor of the Nagra
  33. exporting video file with multiple audio choise as two languages
  34. AT831R Lav and H4N?
  35. Improving lateral sound rejection on with the H4N?
  36. Best choice for ew 100 g2 mic.Suggestions?
  37. Proper Mic Placement
  38. DSLR production
  39. Booming a mic with a stand.
  40. Recording level in Win 7 and Win 8
  41. Capturing Good Audio in a Noisy Environment - Panasonic AC90 + Rode NTG1
  42. Using Zoom H4N or Sony TC-D5 ProII as preamp for Canon D5MII
  43. Rode NT4 on Camera?
  44. Camera audio ?
  45. DR-100mkII rechargin USB only??
  46. 5D MKIII audio - lav mics/external recorders
  47. Best wireless kit for UK & Europe?
  48. M-Audio Fastrack Pro USB w/ AT822- low mic level.
  49. Backround Music suggestions
  50. Monitoring Audio