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  1. USBPre vs DAT (1-on-1 interviews)
  2. Oh yeah here comes another newbie ???
  3. Does anybody have experience with an SM86 or Beta 87c?
  4. Production Audio Qs
  5. I need to capture audio from multiple sources...Samson Airline kit and Mackie mixer
  6. found source for cheap boom pole case
  7. Very compact headphones for monitoring audio?
  8. What microphone would you use?
  9. Rycote microphone reference site
  10. A Simple (?) Microphone Question
  11. XLR cable for ME66/K6
  12. Compression curious
  13. gl2 audio question
  14. iriver iHP120 for wedding vows over minidisk
  15. Mackie's debut of Tracktion
  16. wireless license?
  17. Help! Need to convert to 12 bit!
  18. Camera-mounted wireless headphone set-up?
  19. "G2": New Sennheiser Wireless System Due In Two Weeks
  20. Welcome to our new moderator, Douglas Spotted Eagle
  21. Is there an on-camera mount that doesn't use the shoe?
  22. Help ! Mic Recommendation!
  23. wireless lapel on a budget--is it real
  24. bad advice from a pro re lav. Arrgh
  25. XL1s mic question
  26. 32kHz vs. 48kHz - What's the difference
  27. Schoeps MK-41 vs. Sanken CS-1
  28. Schriber Acoustic SA-568 Dual Mode Shotgun
  29. I don't have line in. How about these solutions?
  30. effects for audio
  31. Microphone for interview
  32. Are parabolic microphones actually useable and worthwhile on a DVX-100?
  33. Audio upgrades, a newbie needs some advice
  34. Headphones and or Speakers
  35. newbie needs help with ski noise
  36. What XLR Mic Cable do you recommend?
  37. Condensor Microphone options for GL2
  38. My First Question!
  39. Shock mounts for mics
  40. Heartbeat, why do you miss when...
  41. Let's find the best wind protection .
  42. New minidisc format. VERY interesting
  43. MD recorder time accuracy?
  44. Which Azden shotgun for GL2?
  45. Old Radio sound
  46. Low Cost 5.1 Audio Monitors?
  47. Sony's inexpensive MD recorder
  48. Rich, deep, trailer-type voice effect
  49. Bryan - Apex 191
  50. PD150 Audio