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  1. H6 and the MS mike question
  2. Improving gross overload
  3. Lectrosonics Wireless system advice?
  4. Audio catalogue software?
  5. A question about unity gain.
  6. H6 Backup Recording Question
  7. How to remove this kind of clunk noise?
  8. Tascam DR05 - New Rebate Offer!
  9. Indoor interviews: Lav? Or boomed mic?
  10. advice about mixer stand alone and pt controller
  11. Which Mic? Please listen.
  12. Help Setting up Sony Ea50 Sound
  13. Shure VP82 and AT875r compatibility with NTG-1
  14. DSLR Audio Mount Help
  15. DSLR Audio Mount Help
  16. Shure Boat Anchors / illegal MHz
  17. Recorder and lav mic advice
  18. What's your kit-list to attach various sound desks to your cam's XLR input?
  19. Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2
  20. Tascam DR-60D $199 ?
  21. rode videomic pro levels low
  22. Which portable recorder for pro line level use?
  23. Microphone Madness Mics?
  24. what is the best audio gear i can use to record audio book in my bed room?
  25. Affordable headphones for monitoring audio
  26. Recorders vs Radio Mics
  27. Power for Phantom
  28. Sony ECM77 with Zoom H1 ?
  29. problems with tascam dr100 mmii, in repro.
  30. CD Recorders
  31. Compact Audio Mixer (Smaller the better)
  32. Sennheiser EK 500 + SK 500, VS. G2/G3 system
  33. 7D AGC Hiss
  34. frequency scanner or ditch G2s?
  35. Super Bowl: People feel with their ears
  36. 3,5mm cables and interference
  37. Fix distorted audio
  38. Connect a Canon WM-V1 via XLR
  39. Sony PCM D50: Repair or replace
  40. Sennheiser G3 teardonwn video
  41. wireless microphone
  42. Powering Beachtek DXA-SLR Pro via V-Mount Power Supply?
  43. New to Video and Sound
  44. Shure FP32a field mixer usable?
  45. Online course in Critical Listening
  46. Is there anyway to level out Audio to one constant level?
  47. Need Help in Setting up Audience Mics
  48. Compare AT-875 vs. AT-897
  49. Shotgun Mic Recommendations
  50. NFL Audio