- Audio problem during recording - Please suggest help
- Tips for cheap ADR?
- Source for royalty-free "TV chatter?"
- Sound Design
- Wind protection for LDC's?
- Sennheiser K6 vs K6P
- Rode Videomic Rubberband Noise
- documentary in japan,wav or mp3 for HDV
- Which microphone is good for documentary (HC1E)?
- Lavalier Mic Cable Length?
- Multitrack Recording Software with Effects and Plug-ins in Realtime
- 44.1khz vs 48khz: How important is it?
- Goodness I hope this isn't a stupid question
- Tascam HD-P2 and Sony HDR-FX1 success stories?
- Mic Shootouts ...
- Recording stereo in the field
- Portable Condensor Recorder
- Capturing sound for dialogue scene
- Tips on acquiring audio from MediaStorm.org
- How to us "Time of Day" function on SD recorders
- Timecode with double-system DV sound - who's the master and who's the slave?
- General Recommendations
- audio in post
- cmc 641 or cmit 5u?
- Quick question on audio levels for mixing an event DVD
- Tired of bad audio, but I'm cheap.
- Can you record audio on camera mic and XLR?
- What are the Benefits vs Risks of "On-Location" Audio Mixing?
- cable brand recommendations
- Senn G2 and PD170 problem - please help
- GL1 audio improvement for documentary
- One last Rode question...
- Beachtek units...
- Mic Question
- Getting started in sound?
- On Set Noise, whats' the secret?
- Lowering Ambient noise
- Microphones at weddings
- Korg D3200/D1600 Internal Hard Drive
- two sony uwp-c1 receivers + beachtek -- too bulky?
- Lapal mic noise on clothes
- Using Sennheiser ew100 radio mic and xl1s with MA200
- 48kHz / 24bit File Size Please
- Yubii - iPod Mic adaptor
- wind noise...
- Mbox Vs Mbox2 Preamps
- Is attenuator the answer?
- Portable stereo recording device (192kHz/24-bit?) under $500?
- Very loud band, help with captured audio...
- cell phone vibration sound !HELP!