View Full Version : All Things Audio

  1. Audio problem during recording - Please suggest help
  2. Tips for cheap ADR?
  3. Source for royalty-free "TV chatter?"
  4. Sound Design
  5. Wind protection for LDC's?
  6. Sennheiser K6 vs K6P
  7. Rode Videomic Rubberband Noise
  8. documentary in japan,wav or mp3 for HDV
  9. Which microphone is good for documentary (HC1E)?
  10. Lavalier Mic Cable Length?
  11. Multitrack Recording Software with Effects and Plug-ins in Realtime
  12. 44.1khz vs 48khz: How important is it?
  13. Goodness I hope this isn't a stupid question
  14. Tascam HD-P2 and Sony HDR-FX1 success stories?
  15. Mic Shootouts ...
  16. Recording stereo in the field
  17. Portable Condensor Recorder
  18. Capturing sound for dialogue scene
  19. Tips on acquiring audio from
  20. How to us "Time of Day" function on SD recorders
  21. Timecode with double-system DV sound - who's the master and who's the slave?
  22. General Recommendations
  23. audio in post
  24. cmc 641 or cmit 5u?
  25. Quick question on audio levels for mixing an event DVD
  26. Tired of bad audio, but I'm cheap.
  27. Can you record audio on camera mic and XLR?
  28. What are the Benefits vs Risks of "On-Location" Audio Mixing?
  29. cable brand recommendations
  30. Senn G2 and PD170 problem - please help
  31. GL1 audio improvement for documentary
  32. One last Rode question...
  33. Beachtek units...
  34. Mic Question
  35. Getting started in sound?
  36. On Set Noise, whats' the secret?
  37. Lowering Ambient noise
  38. Microphones at weddings
  39. Korg D3200/D1600 Internal Hard Drive
  40. two sony uwp-c1 receivers + beachtek -- too bulky?
  41. Lapal mic noise on clothes
  42. Using Sennheiser ew100 radio mic and xl1s with MA200
  43. 48kHz / 24bit File Size Please
  44. Yubii - iPod Mic adaptor
  45. wind noise...
  46. Mbox Vs Mbox2 Preamps
  47. Is attenuator the answer?
  48. Portable stereo recording device (192kHz/24-bit?) under $500?
  49. Very loud band, help with captured audio...
  50. cell phone vibration sound !HELP!