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  1. Flicker in PAL image in US
  2. exposure shift
  3. How to minimize flicker in PAL image
  4. xl1s evf
  5. Direct Firewire HD Capture questions?
  6. Lens Care & Cleaning
  7. XL-1s Tape Hiss?
  8. XL1s and 1394
  9. Steven Soderbergh uses PAL or NTSC version of XL1S for his new film?
  10. Canon XL1 & XL1S Batteries / Battery Options
  11. Video quality problems - help!
  12. DV-Copying to XL1s = Bullshit
  13. Lenmar 6 hour batteries for XL1s for $100 - Any good?
  14. XS1s auto 16x zoom
  15. firewire dv capture
  16. Audio Dropout
  17. Standard lens / mic question
  18. XL1s audio - popping and static - onboard + XLR
  19. Looking for a good view finder eye cup for the XL-1
  20. XL1s Package w/o standard IS II 16x automatic lens
  21. xl1 Lens cup
  22. XL1 and time code - how are you dealing with it?
  23. Audio Help (shooting over loud music)
  24. Leaving tapes in XL1S and zoom question
  25. Rack focus
  26. Audio noise only on HI-FI VCR after export
  27. Audio Hissss!!
  28. simultaneous video IN and FireWire OUT
  29. XL1S Lens Flare
  30. Is there a great difference in colour balance between XL1s & Panasonic MX-300
  31. Shooting in cold weather
  32. Looking for advice on XL-1 w/a lenses
  33. Shooting with XL1 for CD-ROM
  34. xl1s FD/EF lens adapter
  35. What do you use the XL1 for?
  36. Price of XL1 Video Heads
  37. Question about 1394 capture from xl1s
  38. First Impressions of the 16x Manual Lens
  39. What could have caused this on my XL-1?
  40. XL1s manual PAL
  41. Condensation?: Canon XL-1
  42. Question about focus control for DV cameras!
  43. XL-1 Blink?
  44. Shoting Slow motions
  45. VL1s(PAL) and inputing SMTPE data
  46. audio record and playback
  47. White Balance Questions
  48. White Balance Hints
  49. XL1 headphone levels
  50. Eye-Trek Glasses with the XL1s