- Does Canon offer extended warranty?
- Mini-Mount Question for Canon XLS-1
- Manual 16X lens vs. stock 16X lens??
- MP's for TV broadcast
- Deep Focus Lens ala Citizen Kane
- Broken lens mount
- XL1S & XLR audio adapters
- Data Code
- Progressive Scan @ 30fps?
- Low light lens
- Filming Meteor showers
- Canon Camera Museum
- XL1-S Mic
- New Site to Display work and impartial opinions
- I'm hyperventilating - HelpHelpHelp
- Is this true about the XL1s?
- "Off the Shelf" Configurations for effective low light shooting with the XL1S
- Anamorphic Lens Necessary? Plus wide angle adapter prices?
- Professional Head Cleaning-- NYC
- Boom pole cable question...
- quite impressed with MD audio
- Canon's XL1s Owners Club (revisited)
- Using the auto levels for XL1s mic audio
- getting my xl1 cleaned
- XL1 vs. GL1? I think I may have made a mistake!
- Samson VHF Micro
- Affordable/Home Made boom pole?
- XL1 Owner's club for used?
- Little girl in "Poltergeist" sound effect
- Leaving the tape in the camera
- boom mike
- Need a Lens and filter tutorial
- Quality Stills on XL1s
- Stacking ND filters causes Color Shift ??
- How to decipher the Serial Number?
- last request for advice
- Quality of XL1s still image
- Is this a scam to?
- Canon XL-1, compressions and a computer
- PAL 25 fps + shutter speed question
- XL1 have black and white?
- Oh No - Please tell me this isn't serious!
- Recording off a PA
- lanc code push-af
- Sorry, tripods once again
- XL1S frame mode
- Can you fit the XL1 lenses to a 35mm SLR camera
- UK XL1 owners club
- Filming Lightning
- Broken Firewire connector