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  1. Dirty Heads
  2. Which will produce better video quality? Canon XL1 or Sony TRV33?
  3. Canon XL1 compared with HD and Final Cut pro. Big Confusion..
  4. Canon Xl1 with Mic Sony WCS 999 is noisy.
  5. Date/Time stamp for legal depositions
  6. XL1S Capture issue - can I use another camera?
  7. XL1s Saturation problems
  8. traveling with my canon xl1
  9. Is the xl1s dead?
  10. Oh No! He just bought a XL1s...
  11. Metallic "teeth on foil" sound on audio peaks
  12. Fujinon TV-Z lens on Canon XL1s?
  13. Scratching my head on XL1s menu issue
  14. XL1s HD Upgrade Card?
  15. XL1S Shooting mode won't turn on
  16. A red dot on my footage
  17. What does an XL1 usually go for these days?
  18. Intel iMac wont read firewire signal from Canon Xl1s
  19. How much could i get for this?
  20. Best way to control color on XL1a?
  21. Unbalanced extention cord - how long?
  22. Any Films Shot on the XL1s?
  23. 2 Problems with my XL1s..NEED HELP!
  24. Proper way to determine exposure on XL1s?
  25. Mysterious Canon EF 28-300 mm Lens Dipping with XL1S
  26. Can someone tell me if something is wrong with my camera?
  27. Canon XL1s Stop Motion Techniques?
  28. XL1 microphone jack question
  29. Canon XL1 lens to use in Canon Rebel TX?
  30. - are they good?
  31. Unacceptable pixilation in XL1
  32. Canon SP-100
  33. Possible XL1S ownership
  34. Pulldown and "knee"
  35. Final Cut ends Recording after 3 seconds
  36. Opinions please
  37. Dirty Lil' XL1
  38. Video Capture via Firewire to Computer
  39. XL1 Need help identifiying buttons and knobs
  40. 12 volt batteries
  41. Who is up to a challenge?
  42. flickering brightness with camera movement?
  43. Too many reflections in lens
  44. Do I really need a Sony to capture a tape made on a Sony Cam?
  45. Please help, my camera wont play
  46. Whoops!
  47. Screeching Static Audio Problem on XL1S
  48. How much for a used XL1s with worn out heads?
  49. Advice on Lights?
  50. Church Lady Needs Help w/ XL1S