- My XL1s is ejecting it's tape
- Canon 1.6 lens extender adapter for XL1S
- ? about XL and 35mm film lenses
- Other lenses on XL1s
- adding a DVX-100a
- Warm Cards
- Help... weird stuff happening..
- Firewire doesn't work on my XL1s
- Graduated filter to enhance sunset/ shooting silhouttes
- Filming in a theatre?
- XL1 detail
- Speed Effect?
- can xl1s pass analog in signals to firewire live?
- audio settings help
- Proper White Balance
- best (and most cost effective) way to shoot widescreen on xl1s?
- next step up?
- Recomended Maintenance Store in NY for XL1s!
- How to obtain the DOF effect.
- XL1 - good for broadcast?
- Serial Numbers on body/lens HELP!
- Error/eating tape
- Canon XL1 footage converted to Black and White...
- PAL Canon XL
- One mic only stereo - possible?
- New camera: xl1s, dvx100a, gl2???
- 180 degree fisheye lens adapter for xl1s ?
- lead for XL1s Mic
- XL1 playback problem - is tape recoverable?
- EF-Adapter - Help
- Another questions of the XL1s
- Color Balance of the XL1S
- Dramatic colour change halfway through clip
- Scott Billups' charts shot with XL-1
- Optimizing XL-1 Image
- XL1 and Canon Printer
- Getting the background out of focus.
- How do you capture ST-2 audio from my XL1-s using FCP?
- Transfer movie from XL1s to PC
- drop out; pixelation
- Grabbbing a decent photo
- XL1S tuition
- Matte Box
- XL1s pieces
- canon XL1 alignment problem
- lens protection
- Considering buying one but have a few questions.
- Third-Party XL1 Stereo Lens
- XL1S 1/30 Frame vs. Normal mode with FilmLook Post Production
- Seinfeld/Amex short films (shot on XL1) to air on NBC this week