- XL-1 to MA-100/200 - 12v or 48v output
- Colour difficulty
- Wide angle adapter for the 14X manual lens.
- question about using 2 mics
- where is the xl-1s serial number located at ?
- Long Repair Time
- XL1 needs new transport . . . COST?
- Out with the old, in with the new
- XL-1 tape can't play on sonys, etc !!
- What to do with Canon's Tech Support?
- XL1s lens failure?
- Question about Fujinon lens with XL1s
- White balance - contrast
- XL1 no EVF display
- XL1S preset menu locked!!!
- Hytron 50/XL1s question
- PROBLEM: Image disappearing after a few minutes of REC
- lens adaptation for XL1s
- BIG problem with my XL1S
- AudioTechnica AT815B and Canon Xl1s? Suggestions?
- Looking for a support device for wireless
- Adding telephoto converter onto 16 IS II
- Blinking Red Icon on XL1
- Baseplate With Rails
- Need some input on price drops
- what am I missing with audio?
- Going to the Caribbean on vacation can I buy a XL-1 there?
- A cool article about the XL1 on Camcorderinfo
- Stereo Shotgun Mics?
- 16x IS II: Not convinced
- How can I...
- new anamorphic adapter...
- XL1 Gain Problem: Urgent Advice Requested
- XL-1/1s record-What do u use in post?
- Got My XL1s Back from Canon Repair... :(
- getting 2.35:1 For XL1s
- Underwater Accesories
- Canon XL1S on Amazon.com
- now that xl2 is out, how much should i sell xl1s for?
- Canon Case
- funny business (xl1-s)
- zebra questions
- XL1s with Nikon Photo Lenses
- noise when rolling
- Low light solution for Night Club Video
- Canon XL1s Lenses Used in 28 Days Later?
- Native Short in L.A.
- xl1 underwater
- Problem with XL1s