- "Trailer Park" lighting
- Standing around
- TV Studio Lighting
- Diffusion for Canon VL-10Li?
- China Ball
- Halogen Work Lights?
- Lighting in Pro DV Features
- Silhouettes?
- Outdoor lighting question
- Lowel vs. Britek
- What lighting tricks do you use to isolate people from their background?
- Light Stands Advices Needed...
- Need some lights
- Canon's VL-3 or VL-10Li??
- Ring Light question...uh, anyone use one?
- Low budget lighting kit evaluation
- Green Screen Lighting
- Reveal Lights
- what ctb gels to use?
- Newbie Tota question and other stuff (long)
- "Daylight" florescent tubes
- Newbie Lighting Question
- maintaining exposure
- Suggestions for underground lighting (batteries)
- Par Cans for Video ??
- Revolving Police Lights (Possible to Simulate?)
- How hot do interview lights really get?
- Barndoor question from Home Depot lighting tutorial
- Running @ Night
- Variation of 3-light for interview
- Caselite 4 & Rifa Lites: A Possible Twosome?
- How long will Bescor MM7XLRATM Starved Eloctrolyte battery last
- Self powered / portable light?
- Tota lamp smoked bad
- Will Britek lights work in 220v Land?
- Generator question
- What's the very 1st light you would buy?
- difference between Fresnel and Open-Face lights?
- Question on Kino Flo lamps
- Translucent reflectors and war ... what are they good for?
- where to get 3200K 48" Florencent Tubes
- Making stingers?
- DV Creator Kit 55, enough light for night shoots?
- Lighting an anchor set / News room...
- 2 Camera lighting setup
- shooting farms in hard light?
- ONCAM light for weddings
- lighting kit suggestions
- Lighting for Chroma Keys (blue or green)
- Using stage lights?