- Blogging
- any books that have helped you Make a living from Video?
- My Documentary Contract: What does "Rough Cut" refer to exactly?
- Client check: VideoBIO
- Photo to be used on TV, Release question
- Best Web Host?
- Client asking for project files along with rendered video?
- How to to be taken for a ride: client didn't pay fully, now wants free cooperation
- Help me with my client proposals
- Website examples; Independent DP/Cam Ops: will you share yours with me?
- Charge more for HD?
- work permit - complex issue
- One Website or multiples?
- Electronic "paperwork" OK?
- When can you call yourself a studio?
- request for B roll after done?
- Dealing with TV Affiliate Stations when making commercials
- Taxes: Equipment Expenses
- The Real Importance on Displaying Your Reel/Work: YouTube & Vimeo versus website
- Documentary Edit - How to Charge
- Trashed my web site for a rebuild...comments?
- Bulk dvd production - what's your margin?
- creative "big name" talking head psa=does it exist?
- Website Design
- How To Get Paid — The Importance of Contracts (Video)
- What are the Resources for Learning the Business Aspects?
- Small Business Loan?
- Is a rating required on retail DVD box?
- my work re-edited without permission
- Pricing (Photos)
- How much to charge for odd jobs? Ex: Bands, Demo Reels, Presentations, etc.
- Event Information Page
- Securing work in other cities besides the one you live in/near?
- Need advice on commission for TV Ad
- Pitfalls
- Having any luck with Mandy or Craigslist?
- Earnings Calculator!
- planning for retirement
- Avoiding coincidences or accusations of plagiarism
- How I Ran an Ad on Fox News...Pretty Interesting
- making a music video for a rap artist, Recording Not Top Quality
- Music video problems -who's right?
- Some Business help needed!!!
- What % to give to videographer/editor
- Is blurring background faces out sufficient to conceal identity in documentary?
- should I own the rights?
- Different pricing question - teaching?
- Getting Film Reviews???
- pricing help. two 7 minute product promo videos
- What is a good rate for paying for storyboards?