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  1. Blogging
  2. any books that have helped you Make a living from Video?
  3. My Documentary Contract: What does "Rough Cut" refer to exactly?
  4. Client check: VideoBIO
  5. Photo to be used on TV, Release question
  6. Best Web Host?
  7. Client asking for project files along with rendered video?
  8. How to to be taken for a ride: client didn't pay fully, now wants free cooperation
  9. Help me with my client proposals
  10. Website examples; Independent DP/Cam Ops: will you share yours with me?
  11. Charge more for HD?
  12. work permit - complex issue
  13. One Website or multiples?
  14. Electronic "paperwork" OK?
  15. When can you call yourself a studio?
  16. request for B roll after done?
  17. Dealing with TV Affiliate Stations when making commercials
  18. Taxes: Equipment Expenses
  19. The Real Importance on Displaying Your Reel/Work: YouTube & Vimeo versus website
  20. Documentary Edit - How to Charge
  21. Trashed my web site for a rebuild...comments?
  22. Bulk dvd production - what's your margin?
  23. creative "big name" talking head psa=does it exist?
  24. Website Design
  25. How To Get Paid — The Importance of Contracts (Video)
  26. What are the Resources for Learning the Business Aspects?
  27. Small Business Loan?
  28. Is a rating required on retail DVD box?
  29. my work re-edited without permission
  30. Pricing (Photos)
  31. How much to charge for odd jobs? Ex: Bands, Demo Reels, Presentations, etc.
  32. Event Information Page
  33. Securing work in other cities besides the one you live in/near?
  34. Need advice on commission for TV Ad
  35. Pitfalls
  36. Having any luck with Mandy or Craigslist?
  37. Earnings Calculator!
  38. planning for retirement
  39. Avoiding coincidences or accusations of plagiarism
  40. How I Ran an Ad on Fox News...Pretty Interesting
  41. making a music video for a rap artist, Recording Not Top Quality
  42. Music video problems -who's right?
  43. Some Business help needed!!!
  44. What % to give to videographer/editor
  45. Is blurring background faces out sufficient to conceal identity in documentary?
  46. should I own the rights?
  47. Different pricing question - teaching?
  48. Getting Film Reviews???
  49. pricing help. two 7 minute product promo videos
  50. What is a good rate for paying for storyboards?