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  1. Good Reel for Film and Commercial Work?
  2. New Reel and Website - Suggestions & Advice Welcome
  3. Pay Per View event coverage
  4. To charge or not to charge, that is the ??
  5. How Much to Build a Studio?
  6. Do you need permission to shoot a building externally?
  7. Video shoot insurance? where to buy?
  8. How do you pay the help
  9. Beta Testers for Gorilla software
  10. How to charge for uploading 8 hours of video to YouTube
  11. Bringing equipment to film in Europe/Switzerland. What forms needed?
  12. First Client
  13. best time to ask if they want to use your services, for music videos
  14. Marketing dilemma
  15. I Finished a Series; Now What? -- My Story
  16. cant figure out if I should show my lower budget videos on my website
  17. Nailing down a file format for delivery
  18. Can't really get a Job.. Help me out?
  19. would this be wrong
  20. Kunaki review? - experiences please
  21. Commercial for TV
  22. Freebe??
  23. Photo/Video Backlinking Project
  24. Advice on quoting
  25. Ownership Question
  26. Endless requested tweaks to edit
  27. I Need a Permit & INS Policy to film a Soccer Game?
  28. Kickstarter questions
  29. Booking agents for DP/Videographers?
  30. What'd you buy the clients for Christmas?
  31. Why should a business owner invest in professional video?
  32. Wedding Videographers getting sued for music copyright violations
  33. Novice business person in need of help
  34. Government video work
  35. UK rights to shared camera footage?
  36. How to charge for scripts for promotional videos?
  37. Does light hire include the cost of bulb replacement?
  38. Article —
  39. Dolby License?
  40. Presentation letter to wedding planners
  41. Ink Jet paper suggestions
  42. Move Windows 7 Upgrade to New Hard Drive?
  43. Posting wedding highlights before final version?
  44. Canadian Members: GYBO Anyone?
  45. Should one work for free?
  46. music license question
  47. So, who wants to get together to start a worldwide distribution company???
  48. Hourly salary for a video editor?
  49. Tax Exempt?
  50. Releases For Audience Shots