- Shooting the Las Vegas Strip.
- Videographer License or Certification?
- corporate exploitation
- automobile manufacturers
- TV Playing in Background?
- Renting Equipment
- Considering video as a full time business
- Anyone ever tried to sell a show to a TLC or similar station?
- new company advice
- How do you do it?
- Music Legalities
- Business advantages?
- Video in National Parks & Federal lands
- Ended up placing the order with B&H.
- Public domain music vs performance rights
- Advice on selling, please
- Has anyone used Movie Magic Contracts to option a script?
- Usage of Gov't Logos
- Production sheets?
- Greeking the Way to go with logos/trademarks?
- Using nicknames
- how much would i make
- e screening
- video business cards
- What is the correct wording for a DBA?
- What's everyones take on leaving equiptment ...
- Synchronization Rights-who'se responsible?
- Legal Issues
- Legal issues????
- Obtaining Licenses for Copyrighted Material
- Pay for shooting a Pilot
- Clearance needed for video on internet
- ENG News Stringer?
- calling Paul Tauger
- Production books, magazines & websites?
- Song covers...?
- Press Pass
- "Back-end" Agreement
- using footage from Faces of Death video in a music video.
- Tracking copyrights on writings by deceased authors
- Insuring a PD-150
- MTV censorship?
- Any screenwriters out there?
- Looking for basic Contract/form for Wedding Videographer
- How can I approach a 'Name' to do an indie film?
- need quote form
- J&R Music And Computer World
- old hymns - new singers
- Peter Jefferson regarding contract
- I pay $300 per year with Nationwide