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  1. The DGA
  2. Product placement for indie films?
  3. Help needed in creating a Corporate Video
  4. Anyone use this outfit...
  5. fundraising legal question
  6. copyrighted music and mechanical licenses
  7. do you need a permit/license to deal with cineplex owners?
  8. Commercial For a Radio Station question
  9. What's in it for reality TV producer
  10. Help! Copyrighted music playing in the background on my shoot...
  11. getting songs into movies
  12. Prisoner's rights
  13. Australian Customs Charges
  14. Need entertainment Lawyer in Atlanta Area
  15. What area of law...
  16. Expert Advice
  17. Gotcha Terms in Contracts
  18. Yet another "How much" Question...
  19. Budgeting and scheduling software
  20. Contracts fro beginners?
  21. Where to find clients?
  22. whats right?
  23. is it legal to produce content on educational license vegas then sell it?
  24. new job salary advice
  25. How much are you charging for Recitals?
  26. Releases are Overrated - Don't buy into the Hype or Misfacts
  27. Selling Short Films
  28. Rights for Improvised Dialog
  29. Press Access...Anyone dealt with this?
  30. Editing Quotation Help!
  31. Spanish contracts & docs?
  32. Crew fees?
  33. Bought a Canon Digi Rebel, puchasing a 3CCD cam to start a business
  34. Can e-mail be evidence?
  35. business invoice templates
  36. SAG Experimental Film Agreement in plain English
  37. What do investors want?
  38. Filming local surfers
  39. UK Import Customs?
  40. How much to charge for synch rights?
  41. What is the name of that site...?
  42. Help! Location/release paranoia mounting...
  43. will it be illegal to put artist music in my film?
  44. Script dialogue question, films talked about.
  45. 70 million dollar lawsuit and my footage
  46. Production Company Name
  47. Career Options
  48. copyright-free sound effect
  49. Music in the background?
  50. Can my client copy my work