- The DGA
- Product placement for indie films?
- Help needed in creating a Corporate Video
- Anyone use this outfit...
- fundraising legal question
- copyrighted music and mechanical licenses
- do you need a permit/license to deal with cineplex owners?
- Commercial For a Radio Station question
- What's in it for reality TV producer
- Help! Copyrighted music playing in the background on my shoot...
- getting songs into movies
- Prisoner's rights
- Australian Customs Charges
- Need entertainment Lawyer in Atlanta Area
- What area of law...
- Expert Advice
- Gotcha Terms in Contracts
- Yet another "How much" Question...
- Budgeting and scheduling software
- Contracts fro beginners?
- Where to find clients?
- whats right?
- is it legal to produce content on educational license vegas then sell it?
- new job salary advice
- How much are you charging for Recitals?
- Releases are Overrated - Don't buy into the Hype or Misfacts
- Selling Short Films
- Rights for Improvised Dialog
- Press Access...Anyone dealt with this?
- Editing Quotation Help!
- Spanish contracts & docs?
- Crew fees?
- Bought a Canon Digi Rebel, puchasing a 3CCD cam to start a business
- Can e-mail be evidence?
- business invoice templates
- SAG Experimental Film Agreement in plain English
- What do investors want?
- Filming local surfers
- UK Import Customs?
- How much to charge for synch rights?
- What is the name of that site...?
- Help! Location/release paranoia mounting...
- will it be illegal to put artist music in my film?
- Script dialogue question, films talked about.
- 70 million dollar lawsuit and my footage
- Production Company Name
- Career Options
- copyright-free sound effect
- Music in the background?
- Can my client copy my work