- release is needed for travel video?
- Legal Fair Use?
- How much do I cost?
- My Bank Robbery Footage..
- Paying to find a job?
- Eminem am agent.
- What to do with the tapes
- Getting a commercial on TV...
- Cameras and Taxes
- Borrow Stories (Script)?
- Info Needed- Locations in the UK
- shooting permits
- A Press Pass
- Music - Crime in Progress?
- QuickBooks
- Is there a difference between scripts vs. screenplays?
- Copyrighted music in personal productions
- Soundbites
- Pro Team Videographers
- Volunteers vs employment.
- Business Incorporation & Organization
- licensing...
- A possible music aquisition loop-hole?
- using filmmusic
- Actor/Model Release
- Unsolicited advice for filmmakers looking for financing
- television show name
- Legal to used internet photos?
- Rendering process rates
- Paypal or not
- Suggestion for FAQ Update - Use of Copyrighted Music
- Press Passes! help
- product use
- Facts Concerning Canon Camcorder Warranty
- Need help
- What isnt copyright these days
- Strange release question
- How can I control a Movie Franchise
- Buy from the country your in ! ! !
- Need help with documentry proposal
- R-e-s-p-e-c-t
- Has it really fallen into the public domain
- local band contract
- How much should I charge..??!
- Brand names use in movie
- WARNING: Potential Fraud On This Forum!!
- How to market myself to local businesses?
- Pitching a TV show to local channels
- Logos on DVD cases
- Name Game - what are the rules?