- 10 steps to getting and keeping a client
- Legal to post other people's footage on youtube?
- Depostion Expenses
- Do you have a good attorney in NYC?
- Choosing the right lens from the right store
- Turning down work in order to focus career
- Extended Laptop Warranty
- Customs Issues or Carnet - Equipment to Switzerland
- Do you get interviewees to sign release before or after the interview..?
- Location legalities for films and short films?
- Insurance
- Filming a public official
- How much should I charge?
- UK Doc crews need US Visa?
- Who can sign location release at a Catholic Church?
- Need release for video of exterior?
- How did you get your first corporate client?
- US Government Copyright circular
- Music Licensing- Zoom
- SAG (and ACTRA) for non-profit organisation?
- event music copyright issue
- Referral Fee - flat or percentage
- Business Cards
- advice on selling gear
- What should I be doing now if I want to be a full-time freelancer in 18-24mo?
- Music "used with permission"
- New work, new contract- what issues need covering?
- Anyone on Elance?
- price to charge for a 1 hour 2 cam band shoot
- questioning job title of post p assistant
- BMI - collecting licence fees???
- Recommendations for HD telecine of 35mm film
- Florida Talent License required to hire talent?
- Making $$ with video
- Anyone from Canada go to USA to buy cam?
- To lease, or not to lease, office space...
- Model Release for DVD
- Copyright infringement benefits copyright holder
- Getting the most of your clients uploading your finished video to the web
- Legal Question: Board Game in Short Film?
- Conference Footage (legal question)
- Can I use someone's picture on the cover?
- Wholesale pricing of movie DVD's?
- Appropriate DVD packaging for retail sales in USA
- What do you know of US Media Television (Platinum Television Group)?
- Blu-Ray and DVD replication recommendations?
- wedding leads: scam masters top 10 list
- Charging my friends
- The Google Shuffle - I got shuffled?
- Selling via Amazon VOD and Netflix