- video rights for owner
- Yellow Page Advertising - Is it worth it?
- Apple's MobileMe
- Starting a Production Company?
- Forming my LLC
- Copyrighting a film at Library of Congress
- TV Ad/Promotional DVD -advice needed
- Having a production company in a VERY small market
- Am I a "Freelancer?"
- Educational Grants
- Strategic Planning for business
- Roku SDK released
- Insurance for a week for Post
- Fair price for studio time?
- Film production LLC question
- Film Baby and Amazon
- Turnhere.com - Seriously?!
- Business Entities and Banking
- Editing Job Price Quote Help
- Legal Video Survey
- My site is on and off Google...why?
- Stock footage property release forms?
- Anyone tried coaching or mentoring?
- can a client tamper with the edit without director's/producer's consent?
- How do I pitch a show to a cable network?
- The proposal request
- Selling out my half of a company with a DVD library & sales - valuation help?
- Any PayPal Gurus in the house?
- How to pitch a movie idea
- Business of Business - Am I a Freelancer or my own Company
- TV commercials
- First Professional Quote - HELP!
- Recommendations for places to buy promotional pens?
- Website for videographer
- Question about location permits/releases
- How to I sell my greatest DVD?
- Freelance photographer rates?
- Potential client wants past client's phone numbers
- What Are Current Basic Cable Freelance Rates?
- Making it pay
- Another Name My Company Thread
- Change the name? or not?
- Help me develop a canned response for CraigsList postings
- Paying royalties on "free" music
- A Fair Rate To Offer My VO Talent?
- First professional project
- Acquiring rights to music for commercials?
- Freelance Deposition
- taping on the street
- the salary thang... don't sweat it