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  1. video rights for owner
  2. Yellow Page Advertising - Is it worth it?
  3. Apple's MobileMe
  4. Starting a Production Company?
  5. Forming my LLC
  6. Copyrighting a film at Library of Congress
  7. TV Ad/Promotional DVD -advice needed
  8. Having a production company in a VERY small market
  9. Am I a "Freelancer?"
  10. Educational Grants
  11. Strategic Planning for business
  12. Roku SDK released
  13. Insurance for a week for Post
  14. Fair price for studio time?
  15. Film production LLC question
  16. Film Baby and Amazon
  17. - Seriously?!
  18. Business Entities and Banking
  19. Editing Job Price Quote Help
  20. Legal Video Survey
  21. My site is on and off Google...why?
  22. Stock footage property release forms?
  23. Anyone tried coaching or mentoring?
  24. can a client tamper with the edit without director's/producer's consent?
  25. How do I pitch a show to a cable network?
  26. The proposal request
  27. Selling out my half of a company with a DVD library & sales - valuation help?
  28. Any PayPal Gurus in the house?
  29. How to pitch a movie idea
  30. Business of Business - Am I a Freelancer or my own Company
  31. TV commercials
  32. First Professional Quote - HELP!
  33. Recommendations for places to buy promotional pens?
  34. Website for videographer
  35. Question about location permits/releases
  36. How to I sell my greatest DVD?
  37. Freelance photographer rates?
  38. Potential client wants past client's phone numbers
  39. What Are Current Basic Cable Freelance Rates?
  40. Making it pay
  41. Another Name My Company Thread
  42. Change the name? or not?
  43. Help me develop a canned response for CraigsList postings
  44. Paying royalties on "free" music
  45. A Fair Rate To Offer My VO Talent?
  46. First professional project
  47. Acquiring rights to music for commercials?
  48. Freelance Deposition
  49. taping on the street
  50. the salary thang... don't sweat it