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  1. New videomaker wants to understand how not to get sued
  2. Title Searches
  3. E&O Insurance
  4. website flash only
  5. Release Waiver/Consent to Use Footage
  6. Organizing Invoices/Taxes for Indie Contractor?
  7. I've done some good work -- now what?
  8. Whats a reasonable consultation fee....
  9. so i taped this band interview, and the guy who did the interview wants a copy
  10. 7D in South America - Get Travel Insurance?
  11. Does anyone have an example NDA agreement
  12. Rental Houses
  13. How Do Regional Sports Networks Work?
  14. How important are appearances?
  15. another newbie...footage contracts
  16. a newbie asks: do i need a ftp site?
  17. Corporate Work
  18. Selling videos online - better option needed?
  19. Spreading the Word
  20. Question about photo of celebrity in film?
  21. Examples of Rental Agreements
  22. music videos, and corporate videos on one site? or not
  23. Google AdWords seminar in San Jose
  24. ArtAvant Wants My Video
  25. Corporate Pricing / Pricing Questions
  26. Production starting...
  27. Ebay question (0% feedback buyer)
  28. Copyright Protection Question
  29. Ancillary rights on a TV ad?
  30. Local Government meetings
  31. Music Rights for College Website Video
  32. Anyone burning BD's or AVCHD's to fulfill HD orders?
  33. Istock Vs Revostock?
  34. demo
  35. Why do publishers let people put school plays on YouTube?
  36. You never know who's looking...
  37. filming event for a friend for free,.. but just want my business name on the product
  38. Having Google ingore
  39. Australia - public location filming law
  40. Talent Release - When does it begin
  41. What are my rights as a "filmmaker"?
  42. Who owns the Footage? The person that pushes record?
  43. Other than Craigslist..........
  44. Release Form (conference room)
  45. How much for this job?
  46. Search engine placement scam
  47. Website Design Software
  48. Video presentation vs. not
  49. International Shipping Problem
  50. Producer's rep?