View Full Version : Show Your Work

  1. By the people, for the people
  2. Easter Egg Rap
  3. Rowdy's General Lee on YouTube
  4. "The Limit" Music Video
  5. Londonmark films Showreel 2009
  6. New Trailer!
  7. 2 Music Videos
  8. Our action/comedy webisodes...
  9. On days like this
  10. My Latest Short Wins Best Film Award
  11. 2009 Demo Reel
  12. Freakshow Music Video
  13. Theatre promo
  14. Another cooking show video
  15. Exotic cars racing on a runway
  16. New music video shot on Red
  17. Constructive Criticism needed on Academic Piece
  18. Teaser/Trailer: Documentary about Jazz
  19. "Látigo de Acero: El Trinomio" ("Steel Whip: The Trinomial")
  20. First attempt with Vegas 3 dimensional compositing
  21. Hey this is my first trial run on doing a cooking show!
  22. Orbital Ballet ..... HPX170 & SGPro
  23. Gorilla-TV: NZ's very first interactive TV show is looking for submissions
  24. Irons Brothers Classic
  25. "The Perfect Sleep" opens theatrically next week
  26. First Director's Reel
  27. X-ball Paintball...
  28. The Grey - Short Film
  29. Bravo Italian Restaurant Promo (Ex1+Letus Elite)
  30. Comment on video
  31. Opinions and feedback wanted
  32. "Being Me" Short Doc.
  33. Hip Hop video.
  34. Uploading video for comment
  35. Feedback for Animated Logo
  36. animation demo/teaser
  37. Weird music video who won BUZZCLIP of the week in Canada
  38. "Hero", music video shot on RED
  39. soul R&B music video featuring Nu Bakson
  40. 5 minute short..The Infected
  41. Opinions Please!
  42. Resident Evil 5 release viral ad
  43. From SIN CITY to 300 to here..
  44. Blue Water - a film about crossing oceans
  45. Mr. Russia Music Video- feedback
  46. Short Christmas video - Our first Christmas as a married couple
  47. Some screenshots of 'My Favorite Show'
  48. Catalyst - First Experimental!
  49. New Music Video (HVX + Letus Extreme)
  50. Vimeo Vs Exposureroom