- 27,000 lumen native widescreen projector: wow!
- JVC 3-ccd HDV PRO camera coming soon?!
- New FireStore FS-4 Disk Recorder with DTE Technology for Handheld Camcorders
- 2TB Memory Cards - 120MB/s Transfer Rates
- HD-DVD coming next year..
- It's official: Canon XL2 announced
- DV Expo East
- News posts from 2004 Q3
- Sony 24 P
- New Apple Cinema Displays
- Apple does it once again!
- New HD Camera, better than Viper
- Canon USA announces Optura 400 and 500
- Canon Japan announces IXY DV M3
- Cinegear Expo June 11th-12th in L.A.
- Pana GS400 -- Well, it's official!
- Instant Films in LA, Screening TONIGHT
- Seinfeld/Amex short films (shot on XL1) to air on NBC this week
- Canon to Pull Out of Analog Camcorders
- California movie pirate sent to jail
- A Nudge to all Austinites! Wed. 12 May
- More NAB pics
- Pics and comments from my visit to NAB today..
- Panasonic Teases $3,000 Flash Media HD Camcorder
- Paper DVDs coming...yes, paper
- News posts from 2004 Q2
- Mass layoffs in video industry
- DVFilm Maker 2.0 now shipping
- Confirmed: BOTH Sony & JVC will show HDV cams at NAB
- Sony Displays 3 CCD HDV Camcorder at CeBit
- Sony announces new high-definition camera
- Withoutabox.com now FREE
- Instant Films #011
- New DV Interview - homemade camera
- New HDV Camcorders
- Sixty Second Films - UPDATE
- 1 terabyte external drive
- Canon Survey slants toward HD
- New camcorder models for 2004 at CES
- News posts from 2004 Q1
- Latest Instant Films up for viewing
- Uhd
- Looks like the Sony PD170 is for real, finally...
- Soderbergh using DVX100 on HBO's "K Street"
- Shameless, immodest plug for my work on "The West Wing"...!
- MovieTube: more info !
- New Foveon 4.5MP chip
- DV Film Festival: Call for Entries
- News posts from 2003 Q4
- Super high Definition