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  1. 27,000 lumen native widescreen projector: wow!
  2. JVC 3-ccd HDV PRO camera coming soon?!
  3. New FireStore FS-4 Disk Recorder with DTE Technology for Handheld Camcorders
  4. 2TB Memory Cards - 120MB/s Transfer Rates
  5. HD-DVD coming next year..
  6. It's official: Canon XL2 announced
  7. DV Expo East
  8. News posts from 2004 Q3
  9. Sony 24 P
  10. New Apple Cinema Displays
  11. Apple does it once again!
  12. New HD Camera, better than Viper
  13. Canon USA announces Optura 400 and 500
  14. Canon Japan announces IXY DV M3
  15. Cinegear Expo June 11th-12th in L.A.
  16. Pana GS400 -- Well, it's official!
  17. Instant Films in LA, Screening TONIGHT
  18. Seinfeld/Amex short films (shot on XL1) to air on NBC this week
  19. Canon to Pull Out of Analog Camcorders
  20. California movie pirate sent to jail
  21. A Nudge to all Austinites! Wed. 12 May
  22. More NAB pics
  23. Pics and comments from my visit to NAB today..
  24. Panasonic Teases $3,000 Flash Media HD Camcorder
  25. Paper DVDs coming...yes, paper
  26. News posts from 2004 Q2
  27. Mass layoffs in video industry
  28. DVFilm Maker 2.0 now shipping
  29. Confirmed: BOTH Sony & JVC will show HDV cams at NAB
  30. Sony Displays 3 CCD HDV Camcorder at CeBit
  31. Sony announces new high-definition camera
  32. now FREE
  33. Instant Films #011
  34. New DV Interview - homemade camera
  35. New HDV Camcorders
  36. Sixty Second Films - UPDATE
  37. 1 terabyte external drive
  38. Canon Survey slants toward HD
  39. New camcorder models for 2004 at CES
  40. News posts from 2004 Q1
  41. Latest Instant Films up for viewing
  42. Uhd
  43. Looks like the Sony PD170 is for real, finally...
  44. Soderbergh using DVX100 on HBO's "K Street"
  45. Shameless, immodest plug for my work on "The West Wing"...!
  46. MovieTube: more info !
  47. New Foveon 4.5MP chip
  48. DV Film Festival: Call for Entries
  49. News posts from 2003 Q4
  50. Super high Definition