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  1. DV EXPO East update
  2. ColorVision announces new solutions for color correcting your home theater
  3. DV Expo East Offering Apple Pro Certification, July 17-21
  4. 3,000 fps progressive HD camera
  5. For Whom The Bell Tolls?...VHS, that's who!
  6. 4 hard drive based cams from JVC
  7. 1080i projector 2,000 USD
  8. Better NLE computer: the Playstation 3
  9. NYC-area events
  10. Mac welcomes Intel...what is the big deal?
  11. Seagate 500 gig drive w/3GB/s throughput and 16mb cache
  12. JVC HD DVD Player announced
  13. Disposable camcorder
  14. Maxtor's 500gig Hard Drive
  15. QuickTime 7 Preview now available for Windows
  16. Looks official, Apple going with Intel
  17. 65 inch LCD HDTV by Sharp
  18. Sony's Cell Workstation [16 TeraFlops!!!]
  19. 850 GB optical disc IOMEGA
  20. More solid-state drives
  21. Western Digital ships new fast Sata II Hard Drives
  22. 44 HD cameras announced/available
  23. Wal-mart and Netflix?!
  24. Star Wars already online p2p
  25. Sony's new 1394.B cameras -- as in FireWire 800
  26. Sony Playstation 3 can use 2 HDTV sets at once
  27. HD-revolition in a Xbox?
  28. Cinegear Expo: June 3-4 in LA
  29. Instant Films 18: This weekend in LA!
  30. iTunes Music Store now seems to be offering videos
  31. Final Call: Planet Ant Film And Video Festival
  32. Anyone use FastChannel Network?
  33. Steven Soderbergh bites the hand that feeds him!
  34. Archive options-Blu-ray available now?
  35. NAB2005 attendance surpasses 100,000
  36. NAB 2005 QuickTime Videos: AJA, JVC, Panasonic, Fig Rig
  37. OpenHD™
  38. Sony Microphone Rebate
  39. JVC Pro HD "studio camera" special edition
  40. Got some NAB2005 video, anyone willing to host?
  41. New Sony Qualia HDV camera
  42. NAB 2005 photos! April 20th.
  43. No news of any "unannounced" cams?
  44. NAB 2005 photos! April 18th.
  45. Greg Boston's NAB clips
  46. Market Share by the numbers
  47. Adobe buys Macromedia
  48. Fig Rig
  49. NAB on Cable
  50. It's about time!! "Final Cut Studio"!