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  1. Videoguys' Guide to the Avid 25th Anniversary Crossgrade and Upgrade promotions
  2. "Hell Baby", comedy/horror feature
  3. E.C. & Sony event -NYC December 6, 2012 - See the new PMW-F5 in Action
  4. SHARP announces 32-inch, IGZO, 4K AV monitor
  5. Next lacpug Meet is TUESDAY Nov. 27, 2012
  6. Happy Thanksgiving 2012!! Videoguys' Tips for Shooting Family/Home/Holiday Video
  7. Videoguys Insider Update November 2012 & Hurricane Sandy Update
  8. Canon announces(?) new lens caps
  9. Worlds first ever cheap Chinese VG/FS type camcorder?
  10. Boston SuperMeetUp on Friday, Nov. 9 Agenda set
  11. Chrosziel Cage System
  12. British Invasion Workshops at AbelCine
  13. Kodak has a new vision ...
  14. Apple Introduces Ultra-thin iMac and Updated Mac Mini, and 13 inch Retina MacBook Pro
  15. Next year: uncompressed HDMI output on Canon 5D Mk. III
  16. Gopro hero 3 released
  17. Sony - The Future, Ahead of Schedule | October 30, 2012 #TheNewF
  18. Brinno Timelapse/Stop Motion Camera
  19. Excellent BMC - Canon Mk III comparison
  20. C100 at DVExpo
  21. Fuji to stop producing movie film
  22. New Hasselblad E-mount camera!
  23. Magic Lantern unlocks the 7D
  24. Panasonic GH3 now officially announced
  25. Canon 6D Announced - Full Frame
  26. Panasonic GH3 - first images and video!
  27. New Full frame Nikon D600
  28. Digital Aaton at IBC
  29. Sony A99 with impressive video
  30. Official VG 30/Sony site
  31. EOS-1DC to ship December...
  32. new Sony mirror-less full frame cam
  33. new lens from Samyang
  34. Cerevo Liveshell
  35. New Sony PMW-150 XDCAM 422
  36. Blackmagic Camera with Micro 4/3 Mount Announced
  37. Arriraw plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
  38. Cinetic launches CineMoco motor-controlled slider
  39. Raw & Digital Imaging Workshops at AbelCine
  40. Sony HDR-AS10/AS15 HD action cam
  41. The future of sports television?
  42. The New Panasonic AC-90
  43. Apples editing patents ..
  44. ATEM Audio Mixer for TVS and 1 M/E
  45. Announcing the Amsterdam SuperMeet, Sept. 9 2012
  46. The BBC DIRAC codec intro
  47. Speaking of Black Magic Design's designs.
  48. Sony Announcement, 26th July.
  49. Agenda set for July 25 lafcpug Meet
  50. Videoguys’ Top 10 Summer Sizzlers