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  1. Avid Media Composer 7
  2. Phantom Flex 4k 1000FPS, new at NAB 2013.
  3. New Panasonic Varicam
  4. Sony Expands XAVC format to accelerate 4k development
  5. Sony now suing RED!
  6. MoVI BTS Stabiliser Rig
  7. Adobe's NAB Sneak Peek revealed
  8. C100 Price Drop During NAB!
  9. New Canon XA25, XA20 and HF G30 camcorders
  10. Helix Camera in Chicago is closing after 50 years - Clearance sale going on
  11. Silver Linings Playbook Editors at lacpug, March 27
  12. New JVC HM70
  13. Sell your work on Vimeo ..
  14. Kubrick f0.7 lenses available for rent
  15. BBC orders JVC cameras
  16. Canon develops 35mm full-frame CMOS sensor for video capture
  17. "Film is Finished"
  18. New ALEXAs
  19. Agenda set for next lacpug meet, Feb 27 2013
  20. Cinecollage
  21. Announcing the CPUG Las Vegas SuperMeet, April 9 at Rio Hotel
  22. The top rented video cameras in the UK
  23. Shane Hurlbut ASC conducting “The Ultimate Camera Test”
  24. RODE and Rycote Announce Collaboration & New Videomic
  25. What cameras did the Sundance entries use?
  26. Meet the Digital Bolex 16!
  27. 1.8-Gigapixel camera...
  28. Videoguys Insider Newsletter: January 2013 Update
  29. Consumer 3D TV .. the latest.
  30. IPad colour timing learning app
  31. iphone light meter app
  32. Event calendar
  33. Kinefinity's new MiniS35 2K cam
  34. Metabones Speed Booster
  35. Agenda posted for San Francisco SuperMeet Jan, 30 2013
  36. Panasonic's 4K consumer prototype camera
  37. Omega Broadcast at CES 2013: original media card files (6D/HFG20/OM-D)
  38. Save up to over 50% on Symphony Bundles
  39. Rode iXY announced
  40. Procision JVC GC-PX100 Camcorder announced at CES2013
  41. Sony at CES2013
  42. Ultra High Definition in your living room!
  43. Digital Shot Designer ..
  44. What format is most requested?
  45. Omega Broadcast: Unboxing the Black Magic Cinema Camera
  46. Videoguys 2012 Holiday Gift Guide
  47. C.A.L.M act takes effect.
  48. Beware of counterfeit Memory Cards from Amazon...
  49. An Eye on the Future...?
  50. Apple To Make Macs In The States