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  1. RED DRAGON footage released
  2. Magic lantern cracks 7D Raw buffers.
  3. New custom cases for C100/EF & CP lenses/TV Logic
  4. Canon announces VIXIA Mini personal HD camcorder
  5. Sony & Panasonic Developing High Capacity Optical Discs
  6. NEW!! FlowCam 5 Digital Stabilizer (not MOVI)
  7. Apple Logic Pro X Released
  8. 4k ARRI Camera Under Development
  9. Digital Bolex, first images from actual camera
  10. EDIUS Pro 7 announced, will accept 3rd party cards, work with resolve
  11. BBC stops production in 3D
  12. Arri Alexa HD
  13. Canon USA introduces EOS 70D
  14. New Sony 4k video phone ..
  15. Ikonoskop has stopped production of the Acam Dii
  16. New iKan 5" EVF models
  17. Focus FS-H50/60/70 Portable H.264 Proxy Recorders
  18. Aaton return
  19. JVC releases professional 4K camcorder JY-HMQ30
  20. Top 10 rented cameras in Europe, revisited
  21. Sneak Peek at New Mac Pro 2013
  22. Rakuten?
  23. The end of Panavision?
  24. PluralEyes 3 for windows (finally) released
  25. New ZOOM H6 looks much better than H4n
  26. Graphene Camera Sensors in Development
  27. Oscar Winning Editor Tom Rolf to Appear at London SuperMeet
  28. Red Giant Bullet Proof (Beta)
  29. Videoguys Insider Update May 2013
  30. Ghost Ghirls trailer on Yahoo! Screen
  31. Nikon Cinema ..
  32. Std35 to S35 image circle extender
  33. Canon releases new 5D Mark III firmware
  34. Aaton bankruptacy
  35. Magic Lantern unlocks Canon 5D to shoot 14 bit raw via liveview
  36. Adobe "Next" and FCP X - RED 4K workflow at lacpug April 24
  37. ND filter inside lens adapter
  38. Lanparte New Follow Focus Review
  39. New Zeiss Zooms
  40. Tokina Cinema Lenses
  41. Use standard SDHC / SDXC cards in Panasonic P2 cameras w/ adapter.
  42. Red Giant BulletProof
  43. Glasses Free TV UPDATE.
  44. Atomos Ninja 2 UPDATE (from Atomos)
  45. Ikegami & Arri broadcast camera
  46. Avid kills Symphony
  47. NAB 2013 Goodies?!
  48. Atomos Samurai Blade
  49. Aaton Penelope Delta at NAB
  50. New from Black Magic Design - 4K Cinema Camera