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  1. Final Cut express or Pro?????
  2. editing for 9:16 (monitors rotated to portrait orientation)
  3. Good place for cases/labels?
  4. Proper authoring in Windows
  5. What software are you using
  6. simple video clip maker?
  7. Which display to trust
  8. instant hd (upconvert plug in)
  9. Need help on Accessing PDF's and Data Partitions using DVDSP
  10. What kbps and mbps?!
  11. FTP clients: is there a difference in speed?
  12. HD compression codec quality discussion...
  13. Need Urgent Help With Digital Download!
  14. You Tube Quality Hack
  15. Anamorphic Sequence Through Compressor
  16. 124 min. Video: DVD-5 or DVD-9?
  17. Oh Ye Compression Masters!
  18. Apple Compressor Problem
  19. How to embed audio in MPEG2 video
  20. What's the Best Export Method for DVDSPro? Please Help me.
  21. Convert video_ts to iso or img on Mac?
  22. Anyone use Verity systems duplicating machines?
  23. Where can I host my movies?
  24. Server based video encoding
  25. Real time mpeg2 encoding
  26. Real world AT&T DSL speed
  27. Alternative to Brightcove?
  28. Uncompressed HDV on a PC/Mac
  29. Help! Xvid audio sync issues when encoding audio to mp3
  30. Is this the difference between intel and powerpc?
  31. Compressor won't open after Software Upgrade.
  32. Best definition?
  33. screening movie through projector from laptop
  34. Final Cut to PS3?
  35. Bluray/HD-DVD US Compatibility
  36. I hate studio pro!
  37. How to Convert .AVI Video to Beta?
  38. I can't play MP4, Please help!
  39. HELP, haven't slept in 2 weeks!! What am i doing wrong
  40. Book on compression
  41. exporting widescreen movies for youtube
  42. More 16:9 render out woes
  43. Is studio pro and PS3 compatible?
  44. Letterbox on 4:3
  45. PPro w/ Cineform -> DivX for Stage6.... Lots of issues with DivX
  46. 120 minute video on single layer or dual layer?
  47. "not enough space in target folder" studio pro
  48. .FLV Player
  49. How can I get an image filename onto the actual image as a title?
  50. Glass Mastered Discs